if i plant some seeds in sand will they sprout?


Well-Known Member
i germinated 5 seeds and right when they were done germinating i realized i had no soil or anything and all i could get to at the moment was some sand if i plant them in the sant would they sprout? i would transplant them into some soil after they sprout do you think this will work?


Well-Known Member
just pure sand? doubtful - you'd be better off running out real quick and just buying some soil (no nutes!) until you get the kind you want.


Active Member
If its building sand the chances are that there will be a high lime content. If its horticultural sand it will be corse enough for the drainage and will keep em goin but not for to long

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I'm not so sure.... I see others have posted NO WAY... however I'd like to point out that most of Florida is sand.... and lots of stuff grows here in sand. Even our dirt here is mostly "sand".

Perhaps if you put a few layers of small pebbles throughout it would work????

My biggest concern would be what KIND of sand? Sand from say a playground? or sand from the beach? I'd be concerned with sand from the beach because it's likely loaded with salt from the ocean. Sand from a playground with some layers of pebbles throughout..... I dunno... it might work.

How about you give it a try and report back the results :D


Well-Known Member
You don't live near dirt, do you live in the future? go get some dirt, it may not be the best but it will do until you can buy some soil.


Well-Known Member
I'm not so sure.... I see others have posted NO WAY... however I'd like to point out that most of Florida is sand.... and lots of stuff grows here in sand. Even our dirt here is mostly "sand".

Perhaps if you put a few layers of small pebbles throughout it would work????

My biggest concern would be what KIND of sand? Sand from say a playground? or sand from the beach? I'd be concerned with sand from the beach because it's likely loaded with salt from the ocean. Sand from a playground with some layers of pebbles throughout..... I dunno... it might work.

How about you give it a try and report back the results :D
this is why i nead to know if its just sand or sand combined with somthing you can make it work.. make shure sand ist mixed with like salt ect you can biol it and that will help some... go get some perlite or clay pebbeles.. they will hold some moisture... if not go out back dig a deap whole depending on were you live you will come accrose clay in ground role up balls and put in sand.... also a few pebble or rocks will help keaping it from packing to much..


Well-Known Member
I'm not so sure.... I see others have posted NO WAY... however I'd like to point out that most of Florida is sand.... and lots of stuff grows here in sand. Even our dirt here is mostly "sand".

Perhaps if you put a few layers of small pebbles throughout it would work????

My biggest concern would be what KIND of sand? Sand from say a playground? or sand from the beach? I'd be concerned with sand from the beach because it's likely loaded with salt from the ocean. Sand from a playground with some layers of pebbles throughout..... I dunno... it might work.

How about you give it a try and report back the results :D
Right you are - but you don't want to use "just sand".


Well-Known Member
How long will it take to get some soil? They can live for quite a while without soil. Says. As long as they have a bit of water. They won't like it, but they'll go.


Well-Known Member
How long will it take to get some soil? They can live for quite a while without soil. Says. As long as they have a bit of water. They won't like it, but they'll go.
good point - they'd probably do better by just putting the roots in some water.


Well-Known Member
2 of them actually sprouted they are about 1.5" each what do you think i should do with them? transplant them? wait for them to get a little bigger than transplant? or just let them grow in the sand?


Well-Known Member
they are growing very fast theyve been planted for like 3 days and there already up to about 3" what should i do with them???


Well-Known Member
yea i think ill leave one in the sand just to see how it goes but what do you think would be the best way to transplant the other one into some soil?


Well-Known Member
depending on how big it is id just take it out of the soil and maybe put some rooting hormone on it and then just plant it.