identifying shrooms


Hi all, I have a neighbor that owns a few cow pastures & offered that I collect my own manure for my garden. I went the other day and just bagged a few patties/organic matter that looked like they would be good for composting. I left them sitting on top a pile of dirt & the next morning i realized there were mushrooms growing on top! A friend of mine told me that if i put a drop of saline on them & it turns purple, then, its good to eat. Is this true? What other ways are there to indicate whether it is p.cubensis or another "magic" strain. Id really like to try them, but Id hate to eat the wrong thing! Newbie here, needs help.


Well-Known Member
Eating wild mushrooms is serious business man. Not worth it unless you are an expert.

First, your friend is a little misinformed. Most active species turn blue when they are touched or handled, not purple. That is a a very broad generalization though. I'm sure there are active species that don' bruise blue as well as non active species that do, so you can't use that as conclusive identification.

I don't know about other species, but p cubensis has a dark purple spore print. Either way I would not recommend eating any of these mushrooms.


Well-Known Member
^This. Even if you were a seasoned mushroom picker, when it comes to psilocybe, they can be very similar to some shit that will make you have an awesome trip to the hospital.

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Lots of people under estimate shrooms. I personally know nothing but I suggest you take these guy's advice lol.
I know that its a wide variety of bactiera from all different species of shrooms, so I personnaly dont fuck with it.
You'll be better off buying the EZ grow mushroom kit online for $120 instead of paying $200 too get your stomach sucked out with a tube in the hospital.
Or a serious diahrea problem.. Make sure you bring a HighTimes magazine ;)