I wonder how many members of RIU are actually growing, just nosy, or curious about it


Active Member
It be interesting to see the how many are actually growing. Lets do a poll. Growing for personal, for personal gain, for medicinal, for fun, and here cause youre dea wanting to catch a break, lol. Which one describes you?


Well-Known Member
dea up & coming drones-
i bet if they are there are times when they get truly interested (maybe 1/200) and wish they could grow and be truthful in giving their time and thoughts to all the positive things that go on here.in a lot of ways theyre prob just like us, just close minded in a diff. way,and a tad more narcissistic


New Member
i bet if i plant some mj plants by a landmark and then take pictures of the landmark and the mj, i bet the DEA would be there the next day


Well-Known Member
i think it's more like 60%. lotta guys on here trying to figure out how to grow or set one up. plus a ton of people in toke and talk that are just here to b.s.


Well-Known Member
i agree with some of what has been said. i am willing to bet that a vast majority are at least *trying* to grow a plant, as that is the main reason for seeking out help. you're afraid you're going to fuck up, or you already have. or you have a paranoid fit cus you aren't prepared and you suddenly realize it, etc.

but let's not forget how widespread the illegality of our medicine is, which is going to produce a legion of people who "fancy" the idea of growing their own, considering how expensive it is... but they never really do cus let's face it.. breaking the law for the first time can be scary. not everybody has a zen moment and realize that they want to preserve the species, or realize how non-scary it really is, or live in canada

i am sure though that there are a lot of people who actually do the reading and realize that growing is either not going to work for their situation, or is going to wind them up in jail.

for instance, i bet hundreds of people per day read enough to find out that they're gonna get caught on the smell without a proper carbon filter.

anyway, it's just as common for me to see people that are clearly not ready for what it's going to take, but who are trying anyway. i feel bad for the plants more than anything, usually


Well-Known Member
It's illegal here too, but it's more economical for me to grow my own and I hate dealing with dealers. That and I can grow w/e I want instead of having to buy "Kush."

That being said the money I've invested in this could of probably bought a decent amount of loud.