I want work.


Well-Known Member
Just how much do you trim at a time? I'm betting you don't trim multiple pounds at a time with those surgical scissors. Sure they might work just fine trimming up a QP but if you are seriously trimming they just don't cut it (pun intended). Especially if you are growing for a collective, trimming pounds after pounds with those scissors is just ridiculous.
See, that's my point. I can't imagine trimming any sort of weight without fine-tipped spring loaded scissors. There is just not enough hours in a day.


Well-Known Member
I trimmed a pound the other day with regular scissors. My hands were in pain at the end of the night.


Well-Known Member
Not yet. It appears that the spring loaded scissor camp is sponsored by Apple.
I think you got that backwards... Apple = Fail... Not using trimming scissors to trim = Fail...

There is no logic in not using the right tool for the job. Sure scissors are scissors but trimming scissors are for trimming.
Someone didn't like the car analogy so here's a fork one.... Sure they make may different styles of forks but some work way better for the job than others. When the right tool is so readily available and cheap it is illogical to use anything else!

I'm gong to eat a salad with the fork on the right just because it is doable.
Some for serving, some for eating, some for stabilizing. They will all essentially do the same job but why not use the right one just because something works alright?
Too lazy to get the proper tool for the job, probably to lazy to do a good trim job (or even a good job growing). any of you defending not using the proper scissors haven't sat and trimmed LBS. Your hands would be killing you! Then to do it over and over and over for a collective is just retarded when they are so cheap and the club would/should have paid for them or even had another employee go pick them up for him!


Well-Known Member

