I think i invented somthing?!?!


Well-Known Member
So recentlly me and my friends made res oil, in a normal fashion i pressume, and it came out fine, a little goopys but not much, and today i made a second batch with the iso method like we did before, except i made it outside, and its like -30'C here so pretty damn cold, i like did everything outside cause my house cant stink like fucking shit, and so the whole process took me about 2 hours, i strained it outisde through coffee filters and everything, and then when i went to heat it up i used a heat gun, and like i blasted the shit pretty much i thought i had more iso to evaperate but it was just melted res in a pile, and so i let it cool and when i went to scoop up a bit with a pin, the pin wouldn't go it, and to i like scraped it and the shit flaked off, so pretty much i have like black as shit rock hard oil, and i never get baked anymore, like ever. and this shit got my flying, still kinda am! so i donno, has anyone ever gotten like rock hard shit like that before, like after i scrape it up on the pin, it goes hard again? anyways if anyone has a response let me know!

p.s. first post i think, long time reader!


Well-Known Member
this post is very old and makes me sound like a noob I make oil with butane extraction and bud, amazing white/honey colored oil


Well-Known Member
I'm not in the mood for some trolls. If anyone can actually tell me how to delete this that would be helpful. I've just read a moderator has too, so that is the route I will take.


Active Member
I don't see nothing wrong with this 1st post. It just shows how much you have learned since you started. On another forum I have a comment I posted about World of Warcraft. That 1st post makes me seem like a noob. Cause I was a noob. Thanks for sharing it!