I need to get rid of smell


Well-Known Member
ok so i have 3 female white russian plants that i just started flowering, they have always made my apt stink since they were about a month old but now i have reasons to make the smell go away (don't feel like explaining all the reasons), but i need advice on how to get rid of the smell.

money is not too much of an issue i'd like to keep it under 100-150$ and a carbon filter won't exactly work for me, and plz don't send me to the FAQ cause all there is is video's tech...which is fine but i'm not really interested in building that contraption.

i was looking for an ionizer that i know will work well and won't cost more than previously indicated. i've heard about these things people call R2D2 units that are ionizers but that is not what they are called in accuality so i havn't been able to find them...

anyway, any help would be appreciated



Well-Known Member
all you have to do is get another smell that will out smell your plants haha those new glad candle things are pretty good


Well-Known Member
I have this gel stuff that eats up odors, it works pretty well. I think it's called Ono or something like that. You just fill a few jars up, poke holes in the lid, stick em near any odiferous places and your done!


Well-Known Member
a carbon filter would work if i could exaust the closet but i can't do that...the door usually stays open for the sake of temperature and when friends/family come over the door has to be normal looking, i did have a big ass hole in the door with a 12" exaust fan but for the unmentioned reasons i had to take it down and install a new door...

does anyone use ionizers?...????

does that Ona really work? how big is your garden? where do you keep it? does it ruin the smell/taste of your finished buds?


Well-Known Member
I have 15 plants with 3 jars strategically placed. Shit works wonders. It smells like car cleaner or something. AS for change to product I wouldn't know cuz this is my first grow ;)


Well-Known Member
you would need to order ona prolly off some site it is cheep, i've seen it at a few of my favorite vendors of growing supplies.

noone has anything to say about ionizers huh? lol


Well-Known Member
lol sorry, they are basically utility stores that have anything from wood to light fixtures to water softeners and anything you need around the house. Also when you say strategically place would the be like right next to the plant? lol


Well-Known Member
naw, I put em near any place where the smell might get out of the room, i.e. near the door. I also put one under the fan


Well-Known Member
loudblunts is right. u can rig up a system to just continuously filter the air inside the room. ie an inline fan hooked up to a carbon filter without exhausting. just vent back into the room. get an adequate fan, build a carbon filter or buy one and your done.


Well-Known Member
Steve do you have a grow journal? How far are you with your growing? I only have 1 plant that I'm growing (just seeing if I can actually grow it and it's doing beautiful (day 2 of veg). When is the peak time for smell during budding I assume?


Well-Known Member
you will get the green plant smell during agressive vegging. but you will get the dank chronic smell about 2 weeks into flowering.


Well-Known Member
I see, so you think this Ona gel would work just fine with my 1 plant? Could I also get an example of how strong the smell is IE rotten eggs, lilac bushes or something like a bouquet of flowers? Sorry for commandeering the thread >.<


Well-Known Member
I don't actually have a journal, though I should. Maybe this weekend I'll take some pics n get it goin


Active Member
You said the temp gets too hot with the door shut. I saw someone on here mention using a frozen bottle of water and sticking it in there to keep the temp down. Perhaps you could use bricks of ice in containers, a bucket or something maybe and stick them in one of those big freezers, switch em out each time it melts and re-freeze when lights off /shrug


Well-Known Member
lol..yea you saw someone mention using frozen bottle water, but clearly you didnt read the whole thread...

that was for the res temps getting to hot, not necessarily the room.


Well-Known Member
lol i tried the frozen jug thing... it melted in about 10 minutes...600 watt hps... i think at the time i had 2 600's going lol 108 f in there.

i think i'm gonna try these fabreeze carbon filter mini things i seen on the internet...mebey along with some ona...if that doesn't work i'll try the carbon filter thing.

plu you don't really have to worry about temps as much as everyone thinks, i know a few "high ranked" growers on this site that have an average temp of 90f or higher in there room and there plants are perfect, and yes i mean without CO2. indoor strains are bread to deal with high temps. whats more important is air movement.

but anyway thanks for all the help guys you really helped me decide.
