I need help!


Active Member
Ok i have three plants one is doing really really good while the other two are starting to have really droopy leaves, the stems supporting the leaves are still fine only the leaves are drooping, y is that and is it bad

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
What kind of medium are you growing in? What stage of growth are they? What are your feeding and watering habits? Where are your pics?


Active Member
i have them in pots with miracle grow, they're about 2 and a half months old still in the veg stage, watering is kinda random but never more than 2 days apart, and they a food spray once a day.... ill get pics up later but thats about all i can do no, still makes no sense that two out of the three plants are being affected when they all get the same treatment


Active Member
its a plant food u buy at any plant store mix it with water then spray your plants and they soak it up through their leaves?


Well-Known Member
Oh jeez, which plant food is it exactly? can you post a link to it?
How much are you mixing up and spraying and how often?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you are not supposed to use that fertilizer as a foliar feed...
Mix 1/2 teaspoon (not tablespoon) per gallon of water. Apply every 2 weeks. We do not recommend foliar (leaf) feeding for houseplants."

I would spray them off with plain water a bunch.. Make sure they have moist soil... Go easy on the lights..

Let them chill out.. You've been a bad bad boy.


ps- even if you are able to use it as a foliar spray, you are overdoing it with your application rate.. Once a week maybe if there is a prob...

also, what is the pH of your foliar spray? and what is your source water?


Active Member
Ya i missed the part where its not recommended for foliar, but still that desont explain y only two plants are being affected while the other is just going crazy wild with all of its growning, can heat cause the plants to sag and leaf edges to curl under

Im only a noob its my first grow


Active Member
Um im not sure wat the pH is but i use water from the tap and let it sit out for a while before giving it to the plants


Active Member
ok because they were exposed to alot of heat for about 5 hours maybe, the plants that are fucked up are both indica and the other one is a sativa and it looks great


Active Member
yea ... that just means that one is a little heartier than the other two and can handle a little more nutes ... nothing strange about it at all tbh ...


Active Member
2cf4p6x.jpg7.jpghomegrown 007.jpg

ok these "ARE NOT" my plants but its the only thing i could find that looks like wat is going on with my plants except they are a darker green and the edges have curled under, and this is affecting new and old growth


Active Member
Umm the pots hold a little over 12 cups of soil and the plants are all about a foot, a foot an 5 inches", and no they have been in the same pot that they sprouted in


Well-Known Member
They may have outgrown the pots. Your initial description of the problem sounded to me like either they had shock from a recent transplant or they had out grown their pots.