I need help


Active Member
you would water as needed. just like mister tomato plant.
.. I used tomato food on my plant before I switched it to flowering and using Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom... Figured i wouldnt spend the extra cash on the grow big till next round.. Pix are in my album. :leaf:


Active Member
ok got that one and 4 that started vegn about 2 weeks ago outside in the ground and waterd. the stems were so small it couldnt hold there selfs up how do i avoid that? the fert i have is for tomato plants....thats good right?


Active Member
You can tie them to a stick until they are strong enough to stand on there own, tomato plant food is fine, but if you are serious about your grow I would get other products. make sure you are very gentle when tying them to a stick you dont wanna kill ... or pop them under a CFL for a few and let it grow to the light. :leaf:


Active Member
they double to triple in size... I guess they could get 4x the size, and outside would be the place to do it. :leaf:


Active Member
A lot of questions can be answered in the Grow FAQs . It is a Great reference I have solved many problems there and learned quite a bit. :leaf:


Active Member
1. Veg should have only 18 hours of light

2. What kind of lights are you using

3. What is the average temp where the plant is


Active Member
1. Veg should have only 18 hours of light

2. What kind of lights are you using

3. What is the average temp where the plant is
You can Veg 24/0 or 18/6.. I did 24/0 and my plants are doing great!

He is using Flourescents if you check earlier in the thread, and he is moving them outside.

His inside temp was around 70.
As mentioned earlier in the thread...



Active Member
my bad i was on my phone at work didnt have time to read the whole thing. 24/0 wont stress out the plant too much durring the entire veg? that seems risky to me.