I need help identifying a soil based pest for extermination. Pics and video included.


This year, for our grow, we decided to use dairy manure mixed into our soil (which is unfortunately clay) and some green compost. Maybe our manure wasn't sanatized or dried correctly, maybe these bugs hatched from said manure? Maybe between the moisture kept by the clay, our hot weather lately, and our morning watering we created the perfect environment for some pest to hatch. But what is it?

I have googled this. I have searched this, I have wiki'd as much as possible but I can't quite do anything until I identify what the pest is.

All my written descriptions have so far received answers such as whitefly or fungal gnats but I know what these look like and what to treat these pests with.

I do not believe the infestation we have is either of these pests.

We have been told these things might be termites but in my life have I seen termites like these. I have seen no eggs, no longed winged ones (this is what I look for when trying to identify termites), but I have seen various holes and tunnels in the ground.

My plants are on mounds, and near every little hole/tunnel a crack will most probably appear crawling with these little jumping bugs.

They are small, they may look milky white or a translucent white with a gray tinge depending on the lighting. They live in my soil around my roots, deep in the soil and right at the top.

They do not fly, I don't know if they have wings or not. But they do jump, a bit similar to how fleas do. They might glide. I do not know. I have videos of their jumping also.

In the very beginning, about three months ago, our plants began to experience serious leaf yellowing. We thought it might be a nitrogen deficiency. But even after feeding, the yellowing continued.

Soon after, a couple of our plants began to droop. It looked very much like an over watering problem. We stopped watering said plants for a few days. The plants continued to droop and die.

When dug out, their roots looked fine. No sign of root rot. The root ball was lovely. The one problem we did notice was that the part of the stock closest and within the top soil had begun to rot. The stock rot had spread throughout the plants.

But also we found these god damned bugs in our soil. And it looks like a terrible, terrible infestation of them. So now I'm unsure if I lost these two girls to Stock rot or if in fact I lost them to termites. Or whatever they are.

A third plant recently died about three days ago, she was showing the yellowing and finally the drooping. We could not save her either, even after transplanting and B1 feeding. After uprooting her we noticed there were no signs of stock rot.

Here are the things we have attempted to use to kill them:

Neems Oil
Predatory Nematodes (our current adventure)

The neems oil seemed to keep them somewhat at bay but as soon as they were due for another shower, we began to lose our second girl.

organicide was sprayed and seemed to keep them at bay for some time, but they are still coming out of the cracks.
The Predatory nematodes seemed to work for a bit but seeing as this part of CA is experiencing over 95 degree weather currently, they might not live for long enough to make a difference.

We just sprayed Malathion all over our soil after finding what felt like hordes of the little bugs (it has been around two weeks since the predatory nematodes were introduced). But our girls will be flowering soon and I know we should not use Malathion for much longer.

Here are some pictures.


I'm uploading the video to youtube and will post it once it is up.

Thanks to anyone who can help us with this problem.



See how they jump? See how odd my stock looks? Thinner at the bottom and thicker as it goes up? That might be bad clones. But that is the area where we found the root rot on our first two girls.

This girl in particular is a K.C Jones. Her stock shows no signs of stock rot so far. But these bugs all over her worry the hell out of me.


Well-Known Member
diatomaceous earth is like microscopic glass shards that kill small bugs and pests quite effectively.google it, you can spread it all over and those guys will will be done for.you could even make piles of it around the base of your plant in case they even come near it. :weed: thatll protect your girls for sure bro


diatomaceous earth is like microscopic glass shards that kill small bugs and pests quite effectively.google it, you can spread it all over and those guys will will be done for.you could even make piles of it around the base of your plant in case they even come near it. :weed: thatll protect your girls for sure bro
That might help for the ones over ground, but they seem to be tunneling under ground more-so. We even have them in our vegetable garden. Would it work even if these are tunneling critters?


hello i have your answer i to have had them HAD then up till three days ago and now there is none go get yourself some depending on how many plants you have and room size i have three rooms 50 large plants in each i picked up 14 hot shot no pest strips placed 5 in each room on top of the pots and in three days lots of little bodies they work for up to four months so use them in your knight cycle when vents are off then bag em in ziplocks when lights and fans are on and put back when ligts are out or you can just leave em 24 seven till there gone and then save the rest and leave 1-2 in each room also good for mites white flies aphids thrips GOOD SHIT
HOPE (KNOW ) THIS WILL HELP CHEERS!!!!!!!!!!! ps still dont know what there called but fuckem there DEAD!!!!!!!!!!