I need a new career...


Well-Known Member
I do pretty well cleaning windshields at intersections. You have to play people's emotions. I got some crayons at the dollar store and made a little sign that said "Worlds Best Dad!" (I left out the apostrophe so it would look like a kid did it), then I folded it and hung out of the pocket on my tattered t shirt, because, clearly I cannot afford a pin, BUT, I DID buy my kids crayons.

If your boss is a dick, you only have yourself to blame. You set your own hours, days off, etc. The customer is NOT always right, and you can say so. Trust me, you WILL find inner peace.

Much Love


Well-Known Member
I do pretty well cleaning windshields at intersections. You have to play people's emotions. I got some crayons at the dollar store and made a little sign that said "Worlds Best Dad!" (I left out the apostrophe so it would look like a kid did it), then I folded it and hung out of the pocket on my tattered t shirt, because, clearly I cannot afford a pin, BUT, I DID buy my kids crayons.

If your boss is a dick, you only have yourself to blame. You set your own hours, days off, etc. The customer is NOT always right, and you can say so. Trust me, you WILL find inner peace.

Much Love
We all know the real reason why you left out the apostrophe. How have you been clayton? Hows grandma? Still want to move to michigan?


Well-Known Member
I perfer overnight work compaired to working daytime hours. I work in a warehouse where besides break time I dont have to interact with anyone (coworkers or costumers). Which is a good thing for me how I like getting blazed out of my mind before and during work so I be in no mind state to deal with other people.


Well-Known Member
A old song comes to mind on this topic. Johnny PayCheck's
Take This Job and Shove It !
For years I worked at a job that paid me very well but I absolutely hated it so I found the most stress free job in the world and I love it . I've been delivering newspapers for about 4 years and it allows me to be home all day everyday except for about 4 hours between the hours of 2:00 am and 6:am everyday. The only down side I'm usually in bed by 8:30 pm and up by 1:40 am and believe it or not it pays surprisingly well.


Well-Known Member
That's where I'm at @oldtimer54. I'm getting $20/hr which for this part of the country for an uneducated punk is pretty damn good. But I fucking hate it. People are fucking ridiculous anymore. They act like it's life or death. It's a fucking swimming pool. Anywho after this season is over and I use up all my UC, I want to find something else. Even if it's less money I can supplement that with pool sidejobs. Just can't keep hating my life for 10 hours a day 6 days a week.


Well-Known Member
Cooking is very cool and therapeutic as a mo-fo for me.
Cooking for yourself is cool and therapeutic cooking in a busy restaurant is hot as fuck sweating buckets and doing 5 different things at the same damn time then when the dinner rush is finally over you get to sweat your ass off cleaning in a hot ass kitchen. Not to mention you miss all the good parties and shit cause Friday's and weekends are the busy days. I love cooking for myself but it sucks cooking in a restaurant and the waitresses make more money than you and they don't do shit just make life harder with them jack ass vegan customers got to make a special fried rice cause oh a little fish sauce will kill a vegan.... assholes!! :cuss::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
My new job is sales in a gallery in an artist's community in Tubac. Since its the off season I only sell about $500 a day if I'm lucky. So mostly I sit and watch netflix movies and eat ice cream. My days off I paint. Its NO stress, the customers are cool. The money is aweful. But the rents are cheap and the quality of life is fantastic.


Well-Known Member
That's where I'm at @oldtimer54. I'm getting $20/hr which for this part of the country for an uneducated punk is pretty damn good. But I fucking hate it. People are fucking ridiculous anymore. They act like it's life or death. It's a fucking swimming pool. Anywho after this season is over and I use up all my UC, I want to find something else. Even if it's less money I can supplement that with pool sidejobs. Just can't keep hating my life for 10 hours a day 6 days a week.
Yeah, I feel ya. That's the way it was for me. I enjoyed (What) I did just not who I did it for.I still get the occasional call from some of the guys about plant problems looking for a remedy. It all depends on who calls seeking info if its one of the guys I enjoyed working with they get the solution.... If it's one of the assholes they don't get shit. I miss some of the guys but for the most part I'm glad I left.... I know this I certainly feel better and if there is a problem now I know there is no one to blame but me and I'm OK with that. I'd rather be happy and reasonably compensated than miserable and well compensated !


Well-Known Member
I do pretty well cleaning windshields at intersections. You have to play people's emotions. I got some crayons at the dollar store and made a little sign that said "Worlds Best Dad!" (I left out the apostrophe so it would look like a kid did it), then I folded it and hung out of the pocket on my tattered t shirt, because, clearly I cannot afford a pin, BUT, I DID buy my kids crayons.

If your boss is a dick, you only have yourself to blame. You set your own hours, days off, etc. The customer is NOT always right, and you can say so. Trust me, you WILL find inner peace.

Much Love
Your wife is pissed at you bro..



Well-Known Member
@neosapien tywalkerog fucked up your thread, I had some good advice for you. I recently made a big career change because I wasn't happy, but cry baby assburgers bitch boy ruined this thread. He is both pathetic and worthless and his family hates him.
Yea the reason it got fucked up is because you guys just had to put me on
the spot cause of my first post, if ya'll jus wouldn't had said something i wouldn't have kept going after my post it's as much your fault as it is mine. I Respect everyone in this forum except @Dyna Ryda, @UncleBuck, and @Gary Goodson .
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Well-Known Member
I run a landscape company. Do I like it? Yes. Tool horticulture in high school and was always big on gardening. I get to make my own hours(sometimes). Do I have a life? Sometimes. When I'm not giving estimates or doing the jobs I get a few spare hours a week. Can you do it? I don't see why not. Not rocket science just gotta have the will and drive to get out there and do it.


Well-Known Member
That's where I'm at @oldtimer54. I'm getting $20/hr which for this part of the country for an uneducated punk is pretty damn good. But I fucking hate it. People are fucking ridiculous anymore. They act like it's life or death. It's a fucking swimming pool. Anywho after this season is over and I use up all my UC, I want to find something else. Even if it's less money I can supplement that with pool sidejobs. Just can't keep hating my life for 10 hours a day 6 days a week.
Did a job last weekend that with the price I quoted and the time it took me to do it I made $87.34 an hour. Not too shabby.


Well-Known Member
You know I love you Neo, so I wanted to share some more tips.

The intersections by strip malls and grocery stores near the freeway are good because the lights are longer so you have more time to work and people have some skriz from shopping. Don’t even mess with lifted trucks. Trust me. For some reason Corvette owners are big tippers. Most won’t let you near their car. If I see one, I make solid eye contact with the driver and work towards him with clear intent, holding my rag and spray bottle like six shooters. They have their hand with cash in it hanging out the window before you get within 6 feet. They also usually never have ones, so it’s fives and tens! Also works with Mercedes, new BMWs and any older car that’s been completely restored.

Don’t be afraid to tear off a windshield wiper if someone is not happy with your customer service. Your first kill is always the best, so really revel in it. When they start screaming you can either back away and look at them like they are crazy, or match their tone demanding payment. Usually just yelling you want you two dollars is a good idea for a few reasons. One, they might just give it to you to go away and do no more harm. Two, it lets any other players know you aren’t cheap, and three, it sets expectations for the other drivers. If the scene is really big, you will see the next five or six other drivers digging for money. If the first asshole does bring back the cops, tell them “the driver tried to run you over and as you were falling back you grabbed whatever you could to try to stay out from under the tires”. Then be insistant that YOU want to press charges and get their personal information. EVERY TIME, is how often it works. The driver will try to get away immediately. Let the cops facilitate that (they don’t want the trouble either), but continue to act a little indignant as you lower your tone and rhetoric.

Sunday mornings are a gold mine if you find the right church. You want to look for smaller, newer ones where the members are more dutiful. They are really generous. The bigger churches are generally full of posers who are usually late and in a hurry to get there just in time to be seated, so they don’t have to walk in and have everyone staring at them. Of course some of those assholes like the attention (not very god like). Avoid the synagogues. You will be lucky if every 75th person gives you a quarter. Oh, clearly the time to work is BEFORE church starts. A lot of people feel the drain on their pocketbooks after tithing. It gives them a warm fuzzy boost to give before going to church, like God saw what they did (and saw that it was good).

Good luck, Kemo


Well-Known Member
We all know the real reason why you left out the apostrophe. How have you been clayton? Hows grandma? Still want to move to michigan?
Nah, I really like all of you cats in the Michigan section, but the lack of jobs, extreme temps, mosquitos as big as choppers, and the proximity of armys of nigglins is too much.

@ClaytonBigsby how you doin' my friend, we missed you.
Thank you, Kemo, I miss you too and hope all is well for you. I'm just ridiculously busy, and this place is really struggling. I hope you are still here if/when I come back.

Much love, mean it.

I gave her 12 years of my life. What MORE does she want?!?!?!?!?!?!