i know im probley going to be embarrsed after

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
Your 20 years old bro.
You have an enormous amount of opportunities of life experiences ahead.
Your not even old enough to go to the club yet.

You don't need all those fucking guns.

Unfortunately Lous541 is more then likely right.
But time will tell....


Well-Known Member
Do you really want to get violent with him and her get mad at you? Do you want her to feel like she's obligated to be with you? Let her decide what is going to make her happy. If you make her happy then all is great, if not, at least you're helping the girl you love be happy. Trust me dude, I went through the same thing a couple times. I'd say the best thing you can do is not call her. Let her call you. Having the need to be in contact with her at all times shows in-security, which I don't think any woman finds attractive. I know you probably think I'm a dick. I thought the same thing about the ones that told me like it was back in the day, but in retrospect I'm glad they did.

Words of wisdom, Any girl you have to fight for, isn't worth it.


Well-Known Member
Your 20 years old bro.
You have an enormous amount of opportunities of life experiences ahead.
Your not even old enough to go to the club yet.

You don't need all those fucking guns.

Unfortunately Lous541 is more then likely right.
But time will tell....
lol fuck the club im an alcoholic and cant drink if i did drink i probley wouldnt be breathing right now


Well-Known Member
Do you really want to get violent with him and her get mad at you? Do you want her to feel like she's obligated to be with you? Let her decide what is going to make her happy. If you make her happy then all is great, if not, at least you're helping the girl you love be happy. Trust me dude, I went through the same thing a couple times. I'd say the best thing you can do is not call her. Let her call you. Having the need to be in contact with her at all times shows in-security, which I don't think any woman finds attractive. I know you probably think I'm a dick. I thought the same thing about the ones that told me like it was back in the day, but in retrospect I'm glad they did.

Words of wisdom, Any girl you have to fight for, isn't worth it.
i understand what your saying man this is jut all happening at the wrong time and she did call me today actally like 3o min ago. we even had phone sex like you really wanted to know that but she say she cares for me and i spoil her like nobody else has. but she also added he still does have feelings for the fuck since her babys daddy left and he wa the first bf since that happend......im so fucked i guess


Well-Known Member
There's plent of fish in the sea bro. Go out and have fun.
Hit up a local rock concert and meet some chicks. Just make sure you do it on a night when nothin could bring your mood down. This is a great oppurtunity for you to make a bunch of new friends and enjoy being young and stupid.

And make sure you're doing it for the right reasons, to enjoy yourself. Don't even let her cross your mind. Leave your phone at home as well.


Well-Known Member
There's plent of fish in the sea bro. Go out and have fun.
Hit up a local rock concert and meet some chicks. Just make sure you do it on a night when nothin could bring your mood down. This is a great oppurtunity for you to make a bunch of new friends and enjoy being young and stupid.

And make sure you're doing it for the right reasons, to enjoy yourself. Don't even let her cross your mind. Leave your phone at home as well.
good point but im just not ready to move on


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that dude. Not much you can do at this point then. I'm runnin out of advice for you but I'd consider it a blessing. The last thing I would want as a single man would be a ready-made family.

One thing I would like for you to do is think long and hard and ask yourself if you really really loved her, or if you just loved the idea of her? I take it this is your first love? This one is always the hardest. It WILL get better with time. In a few weeks - months it won't even bother you that she is gone.

IDK what else to tell you but I know this shit is eating you up so you can PM me if you ever need someone to talk to. I've been through the situation a couple times.


Well-Known Member
i have she told me she loves me but she still has feelings for him he also said i make her feel special and i spoil her like hes never had

leave all that shit alone man, its not good for you. i kno the need to self medicate, but if its not weed and u cant drink, idk maybe find somthin else to get your mind off of this. tell that chick wassup and dont take any shit. and tell her that dude gotta get a hotel or you done, its that simple. if she can't respect that then she aint worth shit honestly. cuz if you beat that dudes ass, ur gunna wind up in jail and he gunna be all inside your girl as if you never existed. and honestly, i can almost see it happening. good luck man, and try not to bug out.


Well-Known Member
hey weedman, you could always sell some of those guns, and get a bus ticket somewhere...I mean they do feed you in jail and you have a place to stay, but not much of a view..
relationships can make you feel shitty, but someone who would put you through so much misery, by being so inconsiderate of your feelings, is she really worth having in your life? do you have S&M tendencies? like do you enjoy suffering>? cause if you dont, fuckin ditch that chick...:peace:In :hug:


Well-Known Member
well, it sounds like a pretty crap situation. ive just read the whole thread and its pretty bad. i think you need help tho mate, smoking weeds great, but you sound so unhappy... i mean, whyd u need all the other drugs? i dont like to see anyone suffer, but youre torturing urself over her and this situation. if you were really happy with her, and she made you happy, and you really loved each other, do you really think this would be the same situation? if you two really loved each other and really cared for one another, dont you think she wouldv just rang the ex back and said, look, no, dont come over?
it sounds to me as if she wants to get back with him, and you know that its gonna happen, which is why your so desperate for it not to happen. id really take some of the other guys' advice on this thread, go out, make some new friends. dont necessarily hook up with anyone else, but what if she does go back to him, youll be crushed, with no friends.
go out man, live life, and dont jump into a family at 20! its insane!


Well-Known Member
its this comming up weekend to let yall know idk what to think anymore we just talked for a few hours when she came over after her classes all she says is that she really does love me but she still does have feelings for the guy idk anymore it just seems like my life is going to shit but in reallity ppl do have worce problems then i. i just really needed to write in this thread to blow off some steam...im still pretty fucken pissed but who wouldnt be???? only time will tell i guess


Well-Known Member
this is why we need tougher gun laws.
lol your so right why does such a crazzy fucker (me) have over 20 firearms includeing 6 pistols when you have to be 21 to purches them lmao!!! and there all legel too my father bought them b4 he past away and since he was a vetern he could pay for them and bring them home the same day. tisk tisk


Well-Known Member
dude i just read this entire thread. im gonna start by saying, you can also PM me if you want to talk to someone. Im sorry to hear about your father passing. I know its tough, i've had to bury too many friends. Its never easy and you can never quite build up a resistance to it. You just have to cope as best you can. Im 21 years old and i didnt meet my biological father until 2 years ago. My mom has epylepsia and suffers from memory loss, she lost her memory when i was 14 and doesnt know who my brother and I are. I was 14 living out of a car with my brother. eventually we moved with my uncle but i hated everything about my life. I hung myself in my uncles bathroom one day and if my brother hadnt unknowingly come in to take a piss a few seconds later and pulled me up i wouldnt be here typing this. Shortly after that I realized how stupid i was for trying to kill myself when i had my entire life ahead of me but i wouldnt have reaized shit if i had succeeded. So what if i didnt have the Brady bunch perfect picture family. We are all worth something in life. i realized that and thats what you need to realize also. It seems like things are tough for you right now and im sorry to hear that. no one should have to deal with the hardships of life but when your deep in the shit, life gives you two choices. man the fuk up and deal with your problems live your life and die happy or let your problems eat you alive and you die a slow miserable death.

you seem to really love this girl and you want to preserve what you have. I commend you for that, but if things dont work out its not the end of the world. she is just a girl. Im sorry but no gf of mine is gonna be telling me that she loves me but still has feelings for an ex boyfriend and have me stay there waiting to see wtf she does. the moment she says that i would have dumped the hoe and bounced. she isnt worth the pain your going through. I hope you get passed this without making a foolish mistake. i want you to be able to look back and realize that these problems arent worth the headaches. throw it aside, move on. you'll feel a lot better and i tell you this from experience. I have gone through a lot more than i have mentioned but i mention it so you can see that no matter how bad life is you can always change it for the better. I have spoken to guys that make my story look like a walk in the park and they pulled through for the better, why cant you?

btw, Im a gun man myself and you have a nice set in your avatar. I was actually field stripping and oiling my glock 19 when i came across your thread. im all for gun ownership but you should really change your attitude towards your guns. even joking about shooting the ex boyfriend is totally ridiculous. its not his fault that she wants to see him. your girlfriend is at fault here. she should have told that loser to get lost not invite him over and be all confused ringing you out to dry like that. she doesnt love you how you love her or her choice would have been simple. You dont deserve to be second best. you deserve a girl who cherishes you and love you unconditionally for the guy you are. not someone who throws you aside when the other guy comes around. I really hope im opening your eyes dude. you shouldnt be with someone who so casually fucks wit your emotions. you can get passed your situation without the guns and potential OD on w.e those pills are your drinking.

put your foot down, tell her your not having that BS and that she should get her shit together cuz your done if she doesnt. and if she says she still wants to see him just leave. dont bother calling her or anything. she will be more hurt by you just being ok with it and ignoring her than by making a scene.


Well-Known Member
all im saying weedman is if she really does have feelings for this Dude tell her that if anything funny happens this weekend your done with her.. Dude theres so many chicks out there its unbeilevable If she says shes not gonna do anything with him than take her word but if you find out anything different than move on Bro. I know for a fact that My girlfriends mom invited an ex that my girl has dated Becuase she liked him or whatnot(The mom that is) I would be talking with the mom and say hey No way in fuckin hell would I be ok with this and if the mom doesnt releize what she is doing than I would knock her out, lol.. Tell the mom and Girlfriend at the same time that YOUR NOT OK WITH THIS. Tell them to both chip in 30 bucks each along with you so 90 bucks and buy that dude a fuckin motel room a couple miles away. N why the fuck is the mom opening the door to a dude who just got outta Jail?? the mom sounds like she has a couple of screws loose herself. Dont beat yourself up over this bro its not worth it. Keep a cool head man. If she loves you like she says she does than she wont do anything with him but if she sleep with dude than shes a whore and cant be trusted man thats the way it is. Thats my 2cents Let us know how this ends up


Well-Known Member
Noone mentioned how you said "Noone spoils her like you" Sounds to me like a money grubbin bitch. Fuck her one last time then right as you're busting your load slap that bitch in the face and tell her it's over.