i just got out of the hospital, im fucked up


Well-Known Member
I could harldly tell which end of the truck was which. Hope you have a speedy recovery!!! You should have that girl in your pic come over and give you some tlc as much as possible.


Well-Known Member
damn dude, you're lucky to be alive man. Where's the top half of the truck? I'm not even certain what I'm looking at in that pic. Hope you have a speedy recovery.


Well-Known Member
broken colar bones are no fun i broke mine on the way to school one day had to spend the whole day in school with a broken colar bone. thats not a truck its a pile of scrap metal. wish you a speedy recovery. next time hit the damn dog!


Well-Known Member
well hope you can still pull a bong with your colapsed lung!

"medicine" is fucked up!, go to what NATURE provides man, your body will thank you.


Active Member
OMG, your collar bone AND your femur! I wish you a speedy recovery. You are one lucky man. Take care.


Well-Known Member
God how fast were you going dude. i avoided an animal before when i was stoned years ago but only went up this little grass verge lol!! it was so funny. get well soon and i bet you look at life differently now!!


Well-Known Member
I'd have hit the dog.. atleast that's what I tell myself I'd do. You almost sacrificed your life for the dog, I don't mean to sound cruel, mean or crude.. but my life is worth more then one dog's, I wouldn't sacrifice myself for multiple dogs.

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
I kinda wondered what happened..ya know what I mean?

Had you popped anything "new" before the crash? Lemme know if yer back to square one...OK?

Folks...I'll wager our friend swerved out of reaction....like any of us would do in the same situation. Physics just wasn't on yer side this time, bro...

I hope ya got weed. Be damn careful with the pain pills...you'll be draggin a monkey around on yer back before you know it...and being immopbilized in a chair will make the digestive side of things tough on ya. PLAN AHEAD.

But like ya say..."someone" was watching over ya. Holy fuck. I'd say so.

lemme know if ya need anything....

bt dt


Master of Mayhem
Is the dog your pet now? Probably not...he ran like hell didn't he. Anyway...hope you get on your feet soon man, and like someone else was saying......be careful of the meds, before you know it you'll be hooked on that shit!


Well-Known Member
well I dont know guys, I mean if god was on his side why did he smash him up like that?

I mean sure your lucky not to be dead after that, but you are extreamly unlucky to have smashed into a tree at 50 MPH in the first place.

If you were an everyday church goer I cant help but think you would be really shit pissed at god for that.

There was this little boy once, he used to go to church everyday, so much so that his mom would somtimes make him stay home cuz he was always going over there, and so the boy would cry because he wanted to go so bad. well long story short, god let his father die slowly from stomach cancer and his beloved father passed when the boy was only 10 years old. Left him to take care of his mother and his three little brothers by himself. I dont think he was ever the same after that. There was some real anger and betrayal there in his eyes while looking up at the sky. Why would he do this?? he said, his loyalty was unbreakable at one time, but, when this happend, everything changed.

now that boy is an old man, and that old man is my father, and his father was the man that died. and I bear the name of this man I never met. So I speak for his honor, and I will never accept to worship his killer.

Fear of Death, we need to come to terms with. "God is not Great"

you can send me to hell, strike me down as I type, bleed me out and make me cry out in pain but I will never fear God. If he existed I would tell him exactly how I felt straight to his face Man to God

I would kick his ass:mrgreen: lol


Well-Known Member
I kinda wondered what happened..ya know what I mean?

Had you popped anything "new" before the crash? Lemme know if yer back to square one...OK?

Folks...I'll wager our friend swerved out of reaction....like any of us would do in the same situation. Physics just wasn't on yer side this time, bro...

I hope ya got weed. Be damn careful with the pain pills...you'll be draggin a monkey around on yer back before you know it...and being immopbilized in a chair will make the digestive side of things tough on ya. PLAN AHEAD.

But like ya say..."someone" was watching over ya. Holy fuck. I'd say so.

lemme know if ya need anything....
bt dt
luckly enough i didnt waste any of them, i just lost the ladies i already had going


Well-Known Member
add yes I am now ready for everyone to tell me god is gonna put me in hell and strike me down yada yada yada. aslo many will not even post on this thread now out of fear of "HIM"

PS good luck man I hope you are able to fuller recover. Also you may want to get a lawyer to negociate with you insurance company so you can make sure they dont rip you off on what kind of money you should be getting. Its worth a look with a lawyer to see if he think you can bank due to your missed work and everything else that you are unable to provide that you used to.


that is truly horrible and a probility FLUKE, that you would survive. It must be such a humbling experience. But you can look at it this way, you are living your second chance which not many get. make the most of it!

Wishing you the fastest recovery possible. oh yeah, try an stick to the indica if you can and not the bad drugs that the docs give you.