i just got out of the hospital, im fucked up


Well-Known Member
i crashed my truck, broken collar bone, collapsed lung, broke my femor in 2 spots, broke my ulna, chipped mt knee, 8 seriois breaks in my foot, broke my ankle, broke my fore arm, and my humerous... if i wasnt wearing my seatbelt i would be dead, i had like 14 hours of sugery, i was out for 60 hours and in icu for like 3 days, my right side is completly fucked... some how i lived, heres a pic of my truck



Well-Known Member
Damn dude your truck is F@#!, what did you do fall asleep are what?

Get well soon:peace:


Well-Known Member
wow dude- you should be VERY thankful that you are still alive after a crash like that- looks pretty serious- glad to know that you are okay buddy- get well soon friend- GraF


Well-Known Member
thanks guys, as you can geuss my plants are all all fried cuz no one has watered them, ill be back growing soon enough, i am deffinatly so lucky to be alive, someone is looking over me


Well-Known Member
Dude, You are so lucky to be alive, you were given another chance for a reason. That is a gnarly crash man, one out of a thousands would live after that. You need to sit back smoke a bowl and really think about that and life. Good job for surviving.


Well-Known Member
were you baked? and be careful with that many injuries you are going to need to ration your meds, dont get crazy, I have seen that happen lots of times. be careful with the meds.


Well-Known Member
Damn dude.......your a very brave person....i hate broken collar bones eh..... but yea man i hope you feel better....your deffienetly going to need some heavy indica.


Well-Known Member
a little off subject but.... where the hell do u people find the fine ass naked girls surrounded by weed at????


Just some idiot
Glad to hear that you are alive, you are lucky that truck looks horrible. Good Luck with your recovery. Keep us updated on your progress.


Elite Rolling Society
I hope you have some good bud to smoke.
and like inbudwetrust said.......you lived for a reason.and you didn't die for a reason. I'd meditate on that one. Your Guardian Angel or some Higher Power was looking out for you.