I have to kill my babies!


Well-Known Member
use a loose airy soil. try not to press to hard when topping up the soil. cutting some root won't kill you plant not saying their isn't going to be alil shock. but would you rather kill them flat out. I would take a chance or you can flush them.


Well-Known Member
I'd rather save them if I can, but I live in a city and really don't have anywhere to put them outside either... I'll wait till morning and see what happens, but because I live within 1000 yards of a school... If she calls the cops its not 10 years its 30


Well-Known Member
holy fuck, yeah I understand why you'd want to just get rid of them asap... I hope you keep us posted on how things turn out


Well-Known Member
lol... I wish I could just plant them in the back yard or in the woods... Hell for that matter... wait you guys are making me think evil thoughts again... I could just leave and call the cops myself... I have friends that will say I have been living there (5 hours away) for the last 6 months. I'm not that much of a dick tho...

aww dam man your a dick he's just trying to help him out. And man sorry about ur situation


Well-Known Member
ok guys no fighting please... I've had enough fighting for one night lol

Edit: I might loose my babies, but i'll never loose the knowledge!