I got sent to prison for trying to mug a tramp


Well-Known Member
You failed to Pickpocket Granny.
The police were called and you were sent to prison. :(


New Member
any clue how to "borrow" from the vault? i donated my padded shirt an bat, was gunna swap for the vest and the crowbar, do some B&E's :twisted:


Well-Known Member
dammit do i have to be aproved to be in the gang :| or does it let me automaticaly join?


Well-Known Member
Dude, how does this fucking game work? I'm trying to figur out how to do shit and some ass puts me in the fucking hospital and takes my money. not cool. "riu"


Well-Known Member
And why is shit so fucking expensive? 40 grand for some weed? 30 grand for a fucking kitchen knife? please. This is a stupid fucking game. you actually have to pay 3 dollars to upgrade your account so you can successfully play the fucking game.