i call her cinna-mex...


Well-Known Member
so this is the deal... i grew this from bagseed.. ignore the yeild (it was on purpose, read my thread for more info on this)... but i am really curious what this strain resembles to you guys... i was leaning to the mexican sativa since i'm from the dirty 3rd... but how ever, i'm not sure and would like some opinions...

i call her cinnamex since her colors went all crazy and had a apple cinnamon tone to her at the end... and being i figured she was a mexican sativa, it just made since "cinna-mex"...

here are some piks... there are more in the thread in my sig if you cant tell from these...



Well-Known Member
preciate that homie... i gave a premature smoke report on it on my thread in my sig... it was muh fuccin bomb, even without the curing...


Active Member
preciate that homie... i gave a premature smoke report on it on my thread in my sig... it was muh fuccin bomb, even without the curing...
Absolutely....that's gotta be the fuckin coolest thing I've ever seen. How is that even possible? Outstanding Man!!!!


Well-Known Member
i dont know how it is possible.. i get hated on here alot about it being so small, but hell, that is exactly how i wanted it... people who grow big like to see big grows and not lil micro grows like mine... anyways... preciate that man...


Well-Known Member
Nice budz dude. Dont worry about everybody talking crap. As long as your growing to suit your needs. Those colors look fantastic!


Well-Known Member
yeah, thats how i feel about it, but it sucks that not all stoners are friendly people... i dont think i have ever come to realize that till i got on this site... you learn alot of shit here on riu.org