I am so scared now.


New Member
it was a deer snorting. also snakes don't like to hang around high weeds, you are much more likely to find them out in the open sunning themselves. (although they do like to stretch themselves out with their tail at base of plant and their wagging head just poking above the buds snapping and hissing, no just kidding)
Too funny!
It's probably a racoon! They're more annoying than anything.


New Member
It was probably a racoon, or a squirrel --- hehe. Take a gun next time if you are really worried. :leaf:
bad idea.
if you get stopped in concern with anything to do with a grow in the us and get found with a gun, things can go very VERY ugly for you. chances are they wont believe that it is for protection and will probablly think that its to protect your crop from people. and if you are found breaking the law AND they think you are going to be/ willing to be violent, things can get very hairy physically and legally. and punishments can be made much more severe.
some states if you are caught with weapons while committing felony's the jail time is almost doubled.:o


Well-Known Member
You have to have a valid hunting license to carry a firearm in the woods in a lot of states. And it most places you have to wear it in a holster and/or in plain sight, otherwise its a concealed weapon and you need a separate permit for that. And you are correct about getting in a lot more trouble whenever there is a gun present.
Land of the Free my a$$


Well-Known Member
The only thing you should be scared of in upstate New York is a cougar(moutain lion) or bobcat, and bobcats can be thrown off of yourself by a 5'5 human. and most of all, black bears, if you see a black bear your only hope is to play dead. Every other animal is scared of you. Try stomping a lot if you don't like snakes, snakes pick up vibrations from the ground, and since yours are so large, they will slither away.


Active Member
Haha . . . man that's nothing, one time I got lost in the woods coming back from prepping one of my spots. It was terrifying, just thorns, brambles, trees, and more thorns. Such a thick canopy you can't stand up straight. I got so scared I threw up, then I randomly stumbled onto the highway. I don't really like to think about it, even if I was only lost for like twenty minutes lol. At least I know nobody's gonna find them :D


Well-Known Member
it was a deer snorting. also snakes don't like to hang around high weeds, you are much more likely to find them out in the open sunning themselves. (although they do like to stretch themselves out with their tail at base of plant and their wagging head just poking above the buds snapping and hissing, no just kidding)
same here, I think it was a deer snorting to try and get you to identify yourself.


Well-Known Member
Deer are famous for like a hissing coughing type noise when they are scared and are trying to alert other deer of nearby danger. You probably scared the deer more than it scared you...... From what you explained, it sure sounds like a deer hissing at you.... I live out in the woods kind of. I'll be standing like 100ft from them and they'll make that noise at me. Next time clap your hand or say boo and they'll run away...

As for the snakes, well theres nothing you can use to deter them, but I wouldnt worry unless you start to hear rattling...Rattle sankes can and will fuck u up, but it's still awfully rare. Whats your local?? Remeber ssnakes are just as afraid of you and usually slither away before you can get within a ten feet of them....


Well-Known Member
Haha . . . man that's nothing, one time I got lost in the woods coming back from prepping one of my spots. It was terrifying, just thorns, brambles, trees, and more thorns. Such a thick canopy you can't stand up straight. I got so scared I threw up, then I randomly stumbled onto the highway. I don't really like to think about it, even if I was only lost for like twenty minutes lol. At least I know nobody's gonna find them :D
Hopefully you'll be able to find em again...


Well-Known Member
The video of the strange animal was a Racoon. In Native American Society a Racoon in the rain is a pre curser or Omen of things to come. Those things beeing a rare encounter.

What you heard the other night was thisAlma, MOMO,Barmanus, Gin-Sung, Kakundakári, Nguoi rung, Nuk-Luk, Nyalmo, Oh-mah, Skunk Ape, Tano Giant, Teh-Ima, Ucumar, YOWIE, MAPINGUARY, OR BIGFOOT

Ask your uncle I bet he has seen it before and just didn't say anything because people might think he's crazy. The low cough/grunts where him sizing you up. When he came back and saw the Marijuana Berries where gone I bet those noises got a whole lot fucking louder. Anyways you should go leave it a couple of nugs and don't ever take what it might mistake as his again. If you do it might decide to rip your limbs off.

In 1924 involved a group of miners near Mount St. Helens, Washington. The story goes that the miners spotted a Bigfoot and shot at it, apparently killing the animal. That night their cabin was surrounded by the creature's friends. They proceeded to throw stones at the building, pound on the walls and climb on the roof. The attack continued till dawn. The next day the miners packed up and abandoned the mine. The place is now called Ape Canyon.

Great Video -- YouTube - Attack of Bigfoot



Well-Known Member
grow a pair, unless you live in bear or moose county, there is not an animal in this country that wouldn't run from you first


Rebel From The North
OMG big foot ROFL dude you got to water so I would man up an buy a mechettie and take care of it old school


Well-Known Member
hahaha thats funny,,, Man up wit the machedi hahaha.....luv it

yo on the real though I got 4 of my 6 bubblegums that just sprouted and they came up lime green.......like a fire lime is that normal?


Well-Known Member
You are right, I guess paranoia is just kicking in. It's really scary outdoors, I doubt I will do it again. Scary for so many reasons, it is the public. I want to do indoors next grow, it's the best bet. Thank you for your kind words.
Snakes,racoons,deer,bears,lil furry varmints,they all scare you growing outdoors.

What do you thinks going to happen when you move indoors,now you'll be scared of the mailman,Fedex,UPS,Girl Scouts selling cookies door to door,Kids wanting to mow your lawn ect,you need to chill before you end up peeking out windows.