
Well-Known Member
Hello, all i have a bubbleponics system up and growing already and want to put my venus fly trap in there to see how it goes, but im not sure if its safe to do for the plants sake. Has anyone done this and can give me some advice and pics would be outstanding!!! thx for any input ill post pics if asked thx for any efforts


Well-Known Member
You can grow any crop in hydro that can grow in soil. So i would assume so, at my hydroshop they even had some carrots and potatoes in hydro, get that.
Ok i just found out venus fly traps LOVE water, but not stagnent water, they have a root bulb, like small potato. But they dont like water with a tds higher than 100. So you can try it by they will probably get nute burn.


Well-Known Member
Ya its crazy, i read that a VFT can survive under watwer for a month. Now that is one crazy ass carnivore plant lol


Well-Known Member
don't give them bud nuets....just use a aerogarden and try the nuets that come with it. I bet it will become a monster trap. And smoke with it daily.


Well-Known Member
hydro carrots?? they grow under ground! did they grow in hydroton?? maybe coco but thats like soil ..

You can grow any crop in hydro that can grow in soil. So i would assume so, at my hydroshop they even had some carrots and potatoes in hydro, get that.


Well-Known Member
My friend once had loads of venus fly traps. He'd go to the toilet and come back to them with a joint in their chompers. Thats not good for them though. But it makes a good picture.


Well-Known Member
I have a vft, they have to have pure water with no nutes. I dont see why hydro would not work. and they can live off 1 live bug a year.


Well-Known Member
y no nutes its a plant plants need nutrients if i give em only h2o they dont get any nutrients how will they survive without?


Active Member
They get most of the nutrients they need from eating bugs, it is just how they evolved. They are a cool compliment to any garden.


Well-Known Member
y no nutes its a plant plants need nutrients if i give em only h2o they dont get any nutrients how will they survive without?
They are carnivorous plants. They eat bugs for nutrients. They do absorb a little through the roots but only a little they dont have much for leaves, and they rave a root bulb, so thats a massive source of sugar storage. They like water with a tds of 100 or less. Thats really low. Nutes raise tds.