Humidity problem


Active Member
More air in and out ? well i have a 6 inch fan pulling the hot air out and a 4 inch pulling fresh air in, seems to be enough for my cupboard !
I started to feed them a light dose of nutes and they liked it alot, my question is should i feed them the nutes now every 2-3 days like i would normally with just water, my mate said feed them every 2 days, also thay look like they are out growing these pots already would leaving them in these pots be ok for the rest of the period. pics to follow soon !


Active Member
Happy new year to all growers ! ok instead of starting a new thread i thought i might aswell add to this on, i think ive slightly nute burned my plants, i will check them again in hour to see how they are doing if they dont get any worse can i just feed them water and that will be it untill they recover or do i flush and how soon do i do it ?


Well-Known Member
What did you feed them?

What makes you think they are nute burned?

To flush I water with 2-3 times the volume of the pot. I like to put a "drop" of nutes in the flush water, I find a very light nute is a better flush than plain water, each to their own tho :wink:

Dude you must have given them a real strong dose of nutes to burn them tho, they were really healthy plants :?


Active Member
hey trickky happy new year bro ! Na to be honest it was a light lght dose, 5ml nute to a gallon of water, the nutes is called nutrifed its all natural crap (uk stuff )just using as a tester just to see how i get on b4 i get all the proper stuff. i fed them 2 days ago then some more today, had another look just now and they aint that bad just slight burn on the tips, i only got worried because the leafs all drooped after i fed them.
Here are some more pics... do you think the last photo is sign of sex aswell ?



Well-Known Member
Happy New Year to you mate.

I see the tips, nothing to worry about tho. They still look fine to me. I wouldn't flush just keep feeding every other day for now, that seems to be working fine.

As for leaf droop, you will see this after you water and as the soil becomes too dry. Again it's nothing major.

I can't see any sign of sex on that pic, to be honest you may have another week or two, as Thai is such a long bloomer it may take longer than most to show sex.


Active Member
ok cool man and thanks for the massive amount of advice, legend !!!! will keep an eye out for sex they have only been in flower a week now so i see what you mean, when you say feed them as normal every 2 days do you mean with nutes or without ? Thanks again


Active Member
ok i have a thai Female, about time too, 3 Weeks into flowering, one was a male so i destroyed the other i cant see a sex yet.
Here is some pics...........



Well-Known Member
ummm don't you see them little hairs there.. you got a lady ;) happy growin!!!

Holy stretchin what kinda lights you got going there....???? I'm growin thia stick too get some more light on them ladies
or you won't have very good bud!!!!!


Active Member
Cool thanks, I got a 250w hps and a 125w 2700k cfl, wasn't too fused about this grow as it's only a dummy run, this is only seeds from a bagweed ! Still be good to get any bud, only prob is they are still growing really big do you think tying the tops down will be okay ?


Well-Known Member
Cool thanks, I got a 250w hps and a 125w 2700k cfl, wasn't too fused about this grow as it's only a dummy run, this is only seeds from a bagweed ! Still be good to get any bud, only prob is they are still growing really big do you think tying the tops down will be okay ?
When did ya switch to 12/12?


Active Member
The seeds sprouted on the 6th off december and I put them into flowering on the 23rd off December.


Well-Known Member
yeah you can tie them down... I had to tie mine down... I started them at the start of dec also.. but didn't put them to flower til dec 30th... you got any bud pix???? here's some of mine from a few days ago ;)

How close do you have your HPS????? and just remember that when you put your plants to flower expect them to double or triple in height... just for next time ;)



Active Member
Just wondering how your getting on?
Yer not good had to chop them down as i couldnt control them they were coming on 6ft each one in hieght. Thanks for all the help guys.
I will be starting my orange bud, white widow and blueberry very soon so will start a journel. good luck all