Humidifier??? + Rep for Help


Active Member
Just checked on my girls this morning that I picked up yesterday and my humidity was at 19%. I need help selecting a good humidifier for a fair price.

Room is 8'x11'x9' and am running 1k for Veg and jumping to 3.4k during flower. Anyone use a humidifier that should work for this size room?

Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
I know its not the answer you were looking for, but I haven't used a humidifier before.

If you have room for a 5 gallon bucket(any size should work) you can fill it with water and leave it in the room.(preferably without much light hitting the water in order to prevent algae)or

A portable swamp cooler works very well and helps with air circulation.(the air will only be as cool/warm as the water is)


Active Member
I know its not the answer you were looking for, but I haven't used a humidifier before.

If you have room for a 5 gallon bucket(any size should work) you can fill it with water and leave it in the room.(preferably without much light hitting the water in order to prevent algae)or

A portable swamp cooler works very well and helps with air circulation.(the air will only be as cool/warm as the water is)
I'll go ahead and do that for at least now until I can pick one up or order it or whatever. Anyone have a clue as to how long it takes algae to grow. I was thinking of just changing the bucket out every day and putting a tiny amount of H2O2 in there to help protect it.


Well-Known Member
I picked up a cheap one on ebay for a few bucks. To be honest, it doesn't do much and I haven't noticed any difference in growth or vigor in low and high humidity. I'd much rather have low humidity to eliminate any chance of mildew or bud mold. Never heard of any negative consequences from really dry conditions except the plants drinking more.

A bucket or wet towel is a waste of time. Unless you get the moisture misted into the air, evaporation takes way too long to affect the humidity.


Active Member
I picked up a cheap one on ebay for a few bucks. To be honest, it doesn't do much and I haven't noticed any difference in growth or vigor in low and high humidity. I'd much rather have low humidity to eliminate any chance of mildew or bud mold. Never heard of any negative consequences from really dry conditions except the plants drinking more.

A bucket or wet towel is a waste of time. Unless you get the moisture misted into the air, evaporation takes way too long to affect the humidity.
This make sense to everyone else? I'm using a 12 pot E&G system and if that's all true, then I just need to fill my rez more often and probably flood an extra time each day.

I'm sitting at 16%RH at about 77*.

Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
just be careful to not let them get under watered too often(causes stress) some stress is a good thing, increasing resin production, building stronger roots, getting more colas etc.(dependent on the type of stress applied--shaking stem, letting dry out, low stress training, fimming, supercropping etc.) Many of these things work very well, but stressing a plant too much can cause it to hermie.

You will need low humidity during flowering, but as SickSadLittleWorld said you do not really need high humidity for veg if you flood and fill more often, but it can help to reduce pests.


Active Member
alright, thanks for stopping in again and I've just increased the flood cycle to every 4 hours of lights on so that should cover that.

I'd rep you again but it wants me to spread the love around elsewhere first. :)


Well-Known Member
alright, thanks for stopping in again and I've just increased the flood cycle to every 4 hours of lights on so that should cover that.

I'd rep you again but it wants me to spread the love around elsewhere first. :)
yeah humidity dropped the temp of my box dramatically. I put two humidifiers in my box and it stays around 45%. I bought the wickless humidifiers at wallgreens for 20 bucks each.