Human Error: Cut Off The Leaf or Leave It Be (*2 weeks old & pic included*)


Well-Known Member
:dunce:<--I Got The Dunce Cap On For A Reason...

Hey guys.
Yesterday i was watering my plants with a spray bottle, and I ACCIDENTALLY clipped a leaf with the spray handle...which took a chunk of the leaf off. :clap:(as seen in pic)

I know plants use extra energy to fix damaged leafs. But being that the plant just turned 2 weeks old today, i dunno if i should cut the damaged leaf off or should i leave it be?

I know if the plant was older i would def cut the leaf off, but the plant is still young and idk if cutting the leaf off will kill it...



Active Member
As long as the leaf isn't sick I'd keep it on. I've had a fan nose dive onto one of my plants and had it survive, it'll be fine