Huge Multi-Strain Perpetual Grow! 1000ks of Wattz!


Well-Known Member
dam bro wicked sweet perpetual you got going on!!! im just now getting ready to get mine started... im subbed up for this one for sure and i would rep you but mods cut me off for the next 24hrs... so i most def owe you one...

also how do you like them green air producs? i use the same ones...

can you please give me some advice to use those green air products? i am quiet confused.. they were given to me as a gift and i have yet to use them.

thanks for your kind words btw.... growing is a great hobby!

Streets......that is impressive.
thanks hal, you'll be hearing from me soon!!!


Well-Known Member
can you please give me some advice to use those green air products? i am quiet confused.. they were given to me as a gift and i have yet to use them.

thanks for your kind words btw.... growing is a great hobby!
sure well the first is a temp humidity controler for your co2 and exhaust fans... you plug your co2 regulator into the plug on the left and your intake and exhaust fans in on the left... set your temp to right around 85 or 90 even and your humidity to 60 or so its all gonna vary room to room.. the way it works is when co2 is on fans are of thus keeping the co2 in the room... and when the temp or humidity gets to high the controller will shut off the co2 and fans will come on... exhausting the hot and or humid air... to save co2 it is best to use a dehumidifier set at 60 or lower then you can set the controller humidity to the off setting or as a percaution set it to like 75

your second controller is an interval timer for your hydro pumps or a drip system...easy to understand you have an off time and an on time, set to what works best for you...


Well-Known Member
flushed one day... but outta smoke... here is a before and after... and some random ones i took after

what do you think... im going to wait for a complete flush before i start the drying and curing process... im still seeing some SLIGHT new grow on some of the main buds... gunna flush till those start to diminish



Dude your room is amazing. Are you using CO2? What week do you really see dense growth in the flowering stage? I am into my 3rd week and my plants still seem to be a bit slow but the buds are getting bigger. Thanks, Streets.


Well-Known Member
added the 1000 watter back into the groove... whatchu think? any questions?

took 8 big bang clones and 8 church clones

got more patients approved and cleared!

gotta figure out a better set up for my room.. realizing that i need to set the lights in a different direction... idk ill figure it out and post a new layout and get some feed back



Well-Known Member
weighted out the big bang and its 3.5 oz.. its smokable in a bowl.. idk about a doobie yet. but damn its some fine herb!!!


Well-Known Member
lots of growth on the big bang and church plants in flowering now for 1 week.

the clones arent looking so good... sorry hal.. im hoping i can get a new cloner soon.. this one only has room for 8 and i put 16 in there.. i need to clone at least 16 every time i take them. so far i think a couple of them are going to die.. one looks dead.. but im going to keep it in there.

questions... can i use neem oil in the aeroponic cloner water? they have a small amount of mites and i need to rid of them.. im almost bug free in my garden... hopefully by new years it will be bug free completely..

the white skunk look like shit... after they dried out a few weeks back from neglect they really took a big shit... hoping to get atleast 1.5 oz off them..




Well-Known Member
well i cut down 2 white skunk at which were 28" tall each... those weighted out dry at 70 grams each... pretty good considering i brought them back to life from extreme drought... still have 2 white skunk that are going into the dark closet tonight which drops to about 48F at night. hopefully get some of the red to show threw the leaves a little bit more

next the veg room has 8 white skunk vegging... see picture..
also vegging is 4 big bang, 2 white skunk, and about to be put in solo cups are 8 church and 8 big bang.. following 8-16 purple wreck cuttings as soon as the clones from the cloner are put into solo cups.

im having trouble drying my herb... i hang it for 2-3 days than brown paper bag for 1 day than glass jars... they seem to be too dry on the outside.. any suggestions please help.. not too sure of the humidity but im sure it might be a little low.

as for now temps are stay in the 70s lower 80s during lights on and in mid 60s when lights off.



Well-Known Member
things are going great... the white skunk is curing quite nice... each plant yielded around 70 grams of great smoke.

clones clones clones...

transplanted the Big Bang out of the cloner into red cups for vegging stage. i will take the church out in the next couple days.