HTG Supply shipped me a bad bulb? [PICS]

They still haven't replied so either they're INCREDIBLY busy or they totally just ignored my email. Also, if they seriously sent me a *USED* bulb, I will be very pissed off. I spent good money for a brand new bulb. In fact, I ordered Agromax and got Sunmaster instead. I paid for an upgrade, and didn't get it. I got downgraded and used parts. I ship parts as a part-time job and I know from experience that's just baaaad business

But it's still afternoon so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt, but this great customer service rep of theirs is dwindling with me. I don't even know if I would take another bulb from them even if it's free, if this is the kinda shit they're gonna be sending me. Not hatin....just sayin'...


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Being a senior member mean we offer our expirence to those who come to the site and then they can use it or not. If someone says has anyone bought seeds from so and soo and being a grower for 2 decades and have done so i can say yeah they sent seeds or no they always get found. Then they can do more research and look for a pattern.And see if thats your opinion of worms way say so and explain why and what happened. I never had any wormsway issues and they usually toss in free equiptment if you spend ovber $500 so I back them but do tell what they have done to you in the past and how so people know


Well-Known Member
i have ordered 2 400w hps and a 2ft 4bubl floro with no problems after atleast a year, my friend is still using the original 400w bulb i got. Its just like attitude seeds, the more popular it gets the more people buy from them so in turn you are going to have more complaints.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Danky right on point. thats what i am saying. You know from shipping you double check before it goes out as once it does your names on what the buyer gets so make it right the first time and no issues. I tried to buy from HTG in the past I tried 4 times and 3 out of 4 times I got junk and took weeks to get replies. So I now have my opinion and I see so many others who have the same expirence so I tell my story like it or not


Well-Known Member
ive seen the marylandhydroponics link thrown around before, i might give them a try as well


Mr I Can Do That For Half
lol yeah but HTG wasnt so popular 6 years ago they were smaller and still didnt answer emails, send good stuff or answer the phones soo do we say well theyb were stiull kind of new soo.... when do you hold a company responsible for its own actions then if not in first 3 years or in the last most recent years when?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Guy at maryland is cool guy. i have delt with him for about 6 years or so. I watch his sales to i got my digital 600 watt lights from him for $100 each shipped with cordsets. I ordered my cool tubes from him on sale for $60 each one was hairline cracked he overnighted a new one said keep the old. i use it for 400 watters now little heat lol. They respond within 24 hours and answer the phone. i like that store and from my history say good place to buy
Danky right on point. thats what i am saying. You know from shipping you double check before it goes out as once it does your names on what the buyer gets so make it right the first time and no issues. I tried to buy from HTG in the past I tried 4 times and 3 out of 4 times I got junk and took weeks to get replies. So I now have my opinion and I see so many others who have the same expirence so I tell my story like it or not
Exactly. And thank you for being straight up. +rep. There's no point building a company up to being efficient and trustworthy if they're not all the time, ya know. I've kinda got screwed so people need to understand HTG isn't a godsend, they can and will make mistakes.

But also on my packing slip, it was handwritten on there in all caps to upgrade my bulbs. And they still missed that. I've had handwritten shit on orders forms I was packaging and that's the FIRST thing I look at. How they missed it is beyoooond me. :roll:


Mr I Can Do That For Half
lazy thats how lol. Im not sayin anyone is forbidden to buy from htg but they have a ton of known issues and its good people put them out there maybe they will see and change and fix whats wrong with thier company if enough people who have issues speak about it. I hope they make it right for you quickly and your stuff works great for a long time.
Here was their response. Is he bullshitting to get out of trouble or does this sound right?


Thank you for your purchase.

The SunMaster lamps that we upgraded you to are $4 more for the HPS and
$10 more for the MH Conversion lamps, and they are better than the
AgroMax, but if you do prefer the AgoMax lamps we will be more than happy
to accept them back for exchange. Just let me know.

The discoloration you see on that inner arc tube is the metal vapor
condensed on the inner side of the arc tube. This is perfectly normal. The
condensed vapor will vaporize as it warms up when you fire the system up.
You can sort of tell if you watch during the first 5-10 minutes the lamp
is running, it will start of weak, then slowly get brighter as more metal
gets vaporized. It will also re-settle every time it cools down.

Thanks again and have a nice day
Shipping Manager


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Well Id say the sunmaster is a bit better bulb neither is a good bulb by any means but workable. I have never had a bulb show that inside ever except after burn out so Id be little lery of that maybe contact sunmaster and ask send a picture to them and see what they say.Wow conversion bulb havent heard that one in awhile didnt know anyone still used those lol They are exspensive and loose so much power when use and are onl;y need in the way older magnetic single ballasts which not sure why anyone would buy that when digital is cheaper better and doesnt need exspensive conversions. Or at least a magnetic with a swtch on it so not to have a conversion bulbs lol. Me Id ask for a differnt bulb myself.Id actually get a hortilux eye


Well-Known Member
Filthy why is it I see you on most any htg thread talking what ultimately is about pushing your stuff/web site on another companys thread? You need to get yourself a banner on this site dude. I wish you well but I've seen it enough now that your bashing is seen in a bad way. When you start the htg catching on fire comments you really going over the top and need to be called out for it. Show me a thread and exact contact profile on here on the fire comment please. You know there are fires in houses across the country every day....


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Relaxed I will start a link showing all the peoples complaints on HTG since it seems to me alot of very lazy memebrs who can type in the search box above. Again please show me where I once in this thread even said I have anything for sale anywhere if you cant then please be quiet. Oh wait I reccomended 4 or 5 other shops to people in here wow they must be paying fletch since he said thier names. If you paid attention which you dont I only speak of my stuff if someone asked where to get something then I will offer myself but I havent even done that in months really except one person asked about getting digital lights in a thread and a pm so i posted a re4ply. But i guess your in my pms to right so you know who asked what in there?Please go use google and see I have been a non fan of htg since 2006 3 years before I even thought about having a dro site. Once you do a bit of research to back you mouth running off then you may come back and say what you want. If you are too lazy to do 10 minutes work then just sit quietly as your not offering any input or help. If you dont like me or any of my info thats fine great go with it but if you come out without any backing then just shut up.So from now on Relaxed if I see you mention any stores name i must assume your dooing it for profit correct? if you say hey you can get that at walmart then they must be paying you as I refer many sites daily and yet the handful i have said about my things you get your panties twisted and start bitching and moaning. I start my own threads if I want to straight out sell stuff check the classifieds. i also make long detaiuled how to to build what i seel so people can make it for free but if they dont want they can get one premade from me. So come on and blast me for making how to threads showing how to do it for cost yourself since thats all i care about is the money oh wait if I did why the hell would I tell and show how to make this stuff.I am sure you read this explanation earlier in the thread but forgot. yeash your gonna see me on the HTG threads telling how bad they are and your gonna see me on other sites saying how bad they are. Your goinna see me say cfls suck and aerogardens are for dummies..Gonna happen so get used ot it its called an opinion. I bought from HTG few times in the past and now Im telling what they did and whyt i dont like them. So is this guy a jerk since he posted what HTG sent him too?


Active Member
LOL its rust on the inside that when heated quicken and colored. thats why you dont buy from HTG people just dont lsiten. HTG sells junk poorly made stuff. Yeah he'll send a new one once he decides to reply but now your down time doubled and Do you really want another if he didnt see that from the get go? HTG is a bad place to shop yeah sometimes hes cheap but the stuff ther is garbage ton other places to by that are much better and more reliable.Avoid HTG unless you have time to waste. money to waste, and dont worry about possible electrical fires as his stuff sometimes sint even assembled inside.
any suggestions other than them let me know


Mr I Can Do That For Half
yeah posted a few. I have used and like these following places always quick reasonable priced and owners are friendly progressive-growth , and for good cheap bulbs try man i hope this doesnt make people mad since I reccomended hydro sites. im sure some whinny brat will find something underhanded about offer places I have tested and used myself oh well..I used thjis all many times talked to owners and always good service...hell i cant even reccomend Rolls hydro site since he never came back or gave me prices in over a month. i wanted to get some review on them but hell no response


New Member
yeah what is that shit in there.. dont look right looks like rust.. wtf they are suppose to be soooooooooooooo good n everyone swears by them.. even i ordered my hps light but no problems


Well-Known Member
Filthy stop pitchin your stuff here whore:mrgreen:j/k i havent seen you try to sell something of yours on this thread yet, i think these people have deeper issues with you. I honestly didnt know you sold stuff and now im curious as to what you got, ironic isnt it?