HPS security/parking lights


Well-Known Member
this would make a good thread in spirituality/sexuality forum,is stealing lights immoral? As far as I am concerned this is a technical forum and he/she needed tech info...Personally I dont think the risk justifies the means...I have exptessed my opinion...


Well-Known Member
yea it would be alot easier to save up a bit of money rather then shock yourself off a light pole.


Well-Known Member
I only saw one post here that actualy helped this girl with what she wanted...

if she wants to steal a light instead of paying then she has her reason if she wanted the help you guys gave her then she would have talked to her mom....

and all you worried about this girl giving mary jane growers a bad name.. its a streat light she is taking nobody is going to connect that to growing weed.
BOO THIS MAN :finger:


Well-Known Member

JayAK47nobody wants to help her because we don't want to read in the paper, or see on the news "16 Year Old Girl Electrocutes herself Trying To Steal A City Light" or some shit like that! Do you know how many 'LIVE' volts your dealing with?


Well-Known Member
i guess they dont get that its a high voltage power source that has enoough power to kill you.


Active Member
When I first set out to grow plants inside I had no money, but i wanted my growroom. I must have stolen every parking lot light and flood light around a school or store. I built my growroom and grew my plants but there are alot of down sides to those lights. most the ones you can get to are only 100 to 250 watts the bulbs are old and very un energy efficent. If you can scrape together the money for the 600 or 1000 watt set up, do it! its the best investment. dont fuck around with street lights its not really worth it. If anything go around steeling everyones recycling and buy a 400 watt or something. recycling is how I paid for the nutriants. good luck dont get caught for something stupid.


Active Member
my lights are finaly in my room. some temp problems at first but I think I should be all set now. also if your gona take a light then the small parking lights are the way to go. doesnt take much time at all to remove the light. idk I had some one helping me do it who had some basic knowlage you should try and find some one like that... or a forum who would help you out....

ross did you have any harvests off these lights.... I got like 8 of them so im not to worried about wats. I have 2 of them running in the room right now but I think I may need a 3rd. wiring these lights and temps are probly the only bad part I have had

booo me its ok.. you may not like my posts but im not trying to help you


Active Member
I got a really nice harvest about 450 grams. heat was a big issue but big vent fans helped fix that I had 20 lights going in 10 by 10 room. I had to get a job to pay the power bill witch was twice what I thought it was going to be even after I thought I did the math right, but it all worked out. I got rid of all those lights and switched to 1000 watts. 1000 watt are the way to go!! you need lots of fans.


Well-Known Member
i just found a seed in my pizza!!! hahahha you losers dont have a pizza tree do you?


Well-Known Member
You know in the US, many lights have embedded gps tracking system built inside, so they can track it down to your house, and then end up stealing your crop.


Well-Known Member
You know in the US, many lights have embedded gps tracking system built inside, so they can track it down to your house, and then end up stealing your crop.
That's dumb. Dumb as hell. I think they have embedded death rays called volts that steal your life.

Miracle Smoke

Well-Known Member
Don't do it!

Think about wwbd?

In short, what would batman do?

Batman from what i know would not only not do it
but would advise that it is dangerous
and could wind you up in trouble.

ddadadadadadadadadadadadaadada, BATMAN, BATMAN, BATMAN, dadadadadadada
dadadadadadadaad, BATMAN!

Missmolly? what the fuck.....?