HPS light fixtures??


Well-Known Member
Ok, i went out and bought a 70 watt HPS light bulb. Only to find that i cant use it with the ligth fixture im using for my CFL'S my question is, Where could i find a correct light fixture. And how much are we talking for price?? Could i find something at Wal-Mart mabye?


Well-Known Member
You will need a ballast and a socket. probably nothing from walmart will help. try htg or ebay. price will vary with company


Green Thumb of God
yeah ballast is pricey you are better off buying a full 400 watt set up from HTG for like 100 bucks. If you don't got a hundred bucks to spare you might as well give up the hobby because you only ge out what you put in.


Well-Known Member
like was said you need a proper fixture and ballast setup to run HPS or MH. sounds like you cant afford the investment although HTG supply has some decent prices if you can spare a bit. but if not you should just return the bulb. 70 watts isnt enough anyways.

but like stunned said. if you plan to grow often and continually its an invaluable investment because you only get out what you put in. initially it takes a little investment but if you put in 100% your plants will give you that in return