How to test for PH?


Well-Known Member
Got the solution ph tester. I basically have to add a bit of water and solution in a test tube give it a little shake and see the colour and match.

Question is, how do I test the soil's PH this way??

Do I take the run off? or gather a bit of the soil from the pot crush it with water and add a little solution?

Enlighten me :)



Sector 5 Moderator
Never heard of doing it like this. We normally just meter the water with a pH meter. Soil is very forgiving unless you really screw up.


Well-Known Member
But how can I know what the soil PH is? I mean, if there was a PH fluctuation in the soil, how would I know?


Well-Known Member
water to runoff and catch the first drips in your tube. Test this water. This is the ph of your soil. You want your runoff water to be aroun6.2-6.6