how to tell if there done


Active Member
is there any other way to tell if plants are done or can somebody tell me if they are done or estimate when they will be?
bought two scoopes and one cant hold staedy and other not good enough zoom.


Well-Known Member
The best way is to check the trichomes but if you can't when most of the hairs have changed would be pretty close to done even if not quit done should still be good smoke

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
General things to look for.

Few if any white hairs, the rest have turned red and shriveled up, and the calyxes have swolen.

Trichs, mostly cloudy, some amber, very few clear.


Active Member
Take a sugar leaf off a top bud and a bottom bud. Put those on a piece of paper and use your scope to check the crystals (trichomes) that way-- not the bud while on the plant.

Some plants have long-stalked trichomes, some have almost no stalks at all. You are looking for what look like either lollipops (long stalked) or balls on the leaves...those are the trichs. They should all be headed- no fingers or spikes-and all of them cloudy, or all cloudy with a few starting to turn amber. If all cloudy- time to flush.. if some are amber- it's a bit late for flush, but an emergency flush will work.
Be sure you only check the TOPS of the leaves, not the underside- there are other kinds of trichs there that you do not take into account in this process!

If you need info on emergency flush- drop me a note!


Active Member
General things to look for.

Few if any white hairs, the rest have turned red and shriveled up, and the calyxes have swolen.

Trichs, mostly cloudy, some amber, very few clear.
what are the calyxes? where the first sign of female were?


Active Member
General things to look for.

Few if any white hairs, the rest have turned red and shriveled up, and the calyxes have swolen.

Trichs, mostly cloudy, some amber, very few clear.
and if i post a pic u think u could judge it for me? most hairs are red...


Active Member
new 017.jpgnew 021.jpgnew 022.jpg534.jpg
heres a couple pics some good some bad... plz help me out theres more red hairs on the plant then it looks in the pic


Well-Known Member
That is the type of pic you need so you can see the triches, that also looks like it might be underside of leaf, if so that is not a good way to tell. Get pic like that of topside of a sugar leaf up against the bud. then look at triches, if mostly cloudy, little clear and little amber then time to pull.


Active Member
ok its kinda hard to get a pic of it with out the light messing it up. how noticeable are the amber ones and will there be alot of amber colored ones or do i gotta look every where to find ONE.
and its only week 7


if its only week 7 then maybe you should give it a week or 2 more. not so many strains finnish at week 7


im in a 12 week process about 7 or 8 weeks in when would i flush it says the 12th week is when i flush on my chart.. so do i crop after that ?