How to seperate weed from Gravel


Well-Known Member
Well, today officially SUCKS. after I found out I don't have a job my sister came over (I had to kick her and her fiancee out for not paying rent for like, 3 months.) Well I have a couple fish tanks and a lot of extra gravel. She accidentally bumped around a quarter ounce of ground up bud into a large bowl of gravel. What is the best way to get it out?


Well-Known Member
dude shake the bowl the the weed will seperate from the gravel, sorry bout the shitty day bro, i have had a few of those lately


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro. +rep. IDK why I didn't think of it. Most of the weed is lost and I have enough for one fat joint. Do you guys think it is safe to smoke? Gravel doesn't burn low so I'm thinkin any dust that got on the shake will just show up in the resin un touched. What do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
Man that sucks.. why dont you dump all the gravel and weed bits into a bucket of water or something weed floats so it should seperate the weed and then just scoop it up, and dry it out for later use? not sure if it would work or the trichomes falling off but in hot water you prob will be ok, better then inhaling the small bits of gravel..


Well-Known Member
Tried I tried smoking the bits I picked out of the gravel and I got a headache, then I tred flatrider's idea but apparently weed has about the same buoyancy as rock.


dont feel too bad bro... i came home to open my nightstand to get weed... only to find that a mouse had busted into my bag somehow and ate/spread it all over my drawer:cry:.... least i got this gram of bubble todaybongsmilie:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Damn dude. I feel your pain. I have money to buy more but I have to wait till the weekend to get it. That's the worst feelin in the world. I just refuse to go back to my old dealer cause his shit was whack. If I was you gogrow I'd start pattin mouse traps near your stash. The kind that trap the rat in a box. Last thing you need is a dieing rodent coughing up blood all over your nugs.