How to semi-stealth a grow tent in a basement?


Active Member
I just bought a house, so there is literally nothing in my unfinished basement besides a washer and dryer. It's a pretty large basement so putting a tent down there would be really conspicuous standing there by itself. I was trying to think of ways to make it unnoticable, or just not stand out so much so that if the in-laws come over to check out the new washer and dryer or whatever, they don't walk up straight to it and ask me what this is.

Maybe someone else has been in this situation and they have more creative and clever ideas than i do bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
a tent is a big thing to hide! Buy an old camera and say you just cant seem to get rid of your old photo developing stuff! easiest way would be push the tent in a corner and build a little room around it. 2x4s and plywood. build a little "storage space" have a pad lock on it, and what a surprise the key happens to be "misplaced" if some one asks!