how to neutralize a drug dog


Well-Known Member
anyone out there worried about drug dogs, I have the solution. Police came with a warrant a couple months back and planned on bringing in the dogs to find my room. They made it to the bottom of the stairs(basement) when the cop and the dog came across a piece of dog shite on the floor. Dog search over. As soon as the dog picks up the scent of another dogs fecal matter it renders them useless as far as a drug search. Something about the scent overriding everything else and the dog will no longer be able to effectively sniff. I've seen this happen twice now so if you have concerns just keep a small piece of fido's poo handy should the canine unit show up. Doesn't have to be a pile either...just the hint of another dogs shite and its over.


Active Member
had a buddy get pulled over by the k-9 with a lb on him. when the dog got up to the car a cat ran through the alley they were in and the dog took off, the cop told them to go home and he had to go get his dog. lucky Mother F cker


Well-Known Member
Ya know, during a run-in a few years back, I "rested" down in the cellar while the dogs searched, first, the house, then the property. I was never discovered there, just beyond that outside door, down those few, concrete steps. I suspected this was due to the fact that the area just outside the cellar door was basically where our dog shat.
So this must be a true deterrent . . . just be sure to avoid stepping in any feces on your way to lam-ville, you mugs, you.
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Active Member
a live animal is also a good way to nuetralize a drugie sniffer. the shit that they make and their smell distract the dog becuase there naturally interested in friends trains k9's for pd's everywhere. theres also other ways to get around them. one of them is acetone.......


Active Member
So if i were going to move a couple LBS across country... I could just hide in my dog kennel and pretend i'm flying cross country with my dog. You know, some sore of false bottom dog kennel that could hide a pound or two.


stays relevant.
Nothing about feces of any sort will prevent the k9s from catching onto it, you probably just got really lucky.


Well-Known Member
Nothing about feces of any sort will prevent the k9s from catching onto it, you probably just got really lucky.

I am having to agree with this one. I am pretty sure that is something the would have thought of. Those dogs can smell shit under 1000s of pounds of fish so why would a little terd stop them?


Well-Known Member
good question. you would think they neuter. Never had a chance to look at a drug dogs balls haha

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member


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"A story recounted in "Dogs On the Case," by Patricia Curtis, tells of a drug dog that was a little too eager for a game of tug-of-war. While walking along a line of cars waiting to enter the United States from Mexico, one of the dogs alerted to the smell of drugs, slipped her leash, and ran down the line of cars. Before her handler could find her, she trotted back into view, holding a large brick of marijuana in her jaws. Although the border patrol had no way to tell which car the drugs came from, the dog still got her tug-of-war. She did her job, and the drugs were off the street"

Now thats funny!