how to evade awkwardness if bakes in public:


Active Member
i bet it probably brightens up the day of the people that see someone high or intoxicated. like i saw a really drunk guy on the bus the other day, and it made me, that guy is acting really weird, thats so much less boring then everyone else just looking the same waiting to get to their spot.


Well-Known Member
In my neck of the woods hot boxin is smoking with the windows up. In high school we used to sit in my buddies toyota pickup and smoke till we couldn't see the guy sittin next to us (shoulders were touching). Ahh the days of being young and dumb.

Went to the bar the other night by myself after a quality session. Sat there and didn't hardly say a word to anyone. Ate my food drank my beers and left feeling like a dumbass.


Well-Known Member
"Excuse me officer I'm a little high and I need to knowhow to get to fifth street"

"HEY! HEY! Calm down you are on fifth street~!"