How to dilute my drug test


Active Member
today, i took a drug test for probation, and i was clean from THC but i wanted to see something. First off, i take aderall which is a methamphetamine and showed up today on my test. I chugged water before i went, pissing once before i left. I pissed in the cup, and the guy watching me simply put in a test strip thing that test for all drugs. I once again tested positive for methamphetamines.

Now, i was wondering, if i decide to somke and do this process will only the THC be blocked and i will always test positive for methamphetamines. Also, i can piss clear pee, so do i need to drink more and piss more before. I want to smoke so please help me out.


Well-Known Member
Smoking should be your last concern now. If that is your priority, then you should look at re-organizing them......

Anyway, Adderall is not methamphetamine. it is an amphetamine. Your getting popped for meth because your taking adderall if you decide to smoke, you will get popped for THC too. If you do any other drug the drug test tests for, you will be popped. There are no questions asked.

if it is one of those cheap, crappy, do it at home type drug tests, you can fool those things in so many ways. A 3 second google search will provide you with millions of pages of info...


So not only could you of found a few million sites but you probably would of found your answer too by the time you read this message....


Well-Known Member
Word of advice, STOP FUCKING SMOKING!!!! Im also in probation and i didnt want to quit either. I smoked every day With Out Fail since i was 15. I thought it was going to be impossible to quit, but you know what its all in your head! After 5 days or so i didnt really even think about smoking. Even the first few days were not that difficult. I just had to put it out of my thoughts and occupie my time with some thing else. Believe me you DO FUCKING NOT want to show up positive for any thing or they will screw you.Iv done it, it sucked. Also if you have a script for adderal just tell them and you will be fine.If not than cut that shit out and grow the fuck up. Adderal is for people with ADHD and i took that shit for 4 years before i came to the realization that it fucks with your head. I wasnt sleeping right, i barley ate, and it made me way to hyper for my own good. Just quit and get over it,i had to and im fine. The longer you wait to smoke again the more rewarding it will be when you finally can.


Active Member
okay first off, all you dumb asses need to read more carefully. I smoked for like 4 months now and i have no problem with that. I also have been dropping for a couple months and my probation officer knows. I didnt fucking ask for a counselor. I was just wondering. can someone please give me advice on possibly how to pass, then someone telling what the fuck i need to do with my life when i already know. THANK YOU


Well-Known Member
okay first off, all you dumb asses need to read more carefully. I smoked for like 4 months now and i have no problem with that. I also have been dropping for a couple months and my probation officer knows. I didnt fucking ask for a counselor. I was just wondering. can someone please give me advice on possibly how to pass, then someone telling what the fuck i need to do with my life when i already know. THANK YOU
Why would some one Want to valunterily take Adderal? Heres how u pass, u fucking QUIT. Do u want to go to jail? DO u want ur probation period to be extended? Because that is whats going to happen if u come up dirty Regardless if ur PO knows. BTW there is NOTHING you can do to clear out the Amphetimines besides abstinance. Theres no detox shit like for pot. Well there is one possibility you could get the wizzanator, but its Banned in the USA and even if u do find it its now up to around $300 dollars. Its obvious that u dont know what to do with ur life or else u wouldnt be asking how to falseify a piss test, which by the way if u get caught doing they will throw ur ass in jail. So good luck and do what ever the hell you want, its obvious that u dodnt value ur freedom enough..


Active Member
well seeing how im a college student, i like to take adderall. I HAVE A FUCKING SCRIPT YOU DUMP PIECES OF SHIT WHO CANT READ! this obviously isnt the right place to ask....


Well-Known Member
And this is why most dumbass members here don't get the help they want. They are just to bitchy and if you don't answer their question how they want you to, they retaliate......

This obviously was not the right place to ask, this site obviously isn't for you, ever think of just leaving? You know, 'serve' the community by leaving it. I think it may make a nice difference.


Active Member
well seeing how i have a grow journal and look and post on things i only know about, since im new to all of this, i would have to say that people that came upon this cant read....


Active Member
well seeing how i have a grow journal and look and post on things i only know about, since im new to all of this, i would have to say that people that came upon this cant read....
yo fuktard calm down i was on probation in florida and they do the same strip test there if you drink enough to piss 3 times before you test you should be fine but depends on the person really, if u been smokin crippy blunts all day or puff the one hitter every now an then, depends how cool the officer is too if you piss too clear they can call it dilute and its automatically hot or maybe they dont give a shit as long as its negative, in florida you fail you go straight to jail soo i quit an been sober 14months im off probation next month and its gonna be epic good luck


Well-Known Member
Stop taking adderal first of all..If you only smoke a little bit, it's not hard to stay clean. Say you take your drug test, the day after that you could smoke 5 bowls if you wanted, and be clean in time for the next test. Are the tests random? or weekly intervals? you SHOULD do like that guy above me stated and wait until your out of probation because it is better to play it safe.

but a lot depends on your metabolism and body fat.. I know i can smoke a blunt 2 days before a test and pass it. I've been through Pre-trial intervention...just a program that creates the statistic "such & such # of marijuana users are going into rehab." Bullshit. The system referred you into the program to keep your record clean.

But yea, goodluck with probation..try to stay off the ganja until your out, it is more rewarding.