How to Cope With Stingy People

Timmy Cannabis

New Member
Hello, This is my first forum post. I do not intend to sound like a whiny ass or annoying. I have been toking for a little more than 5 years now. I have recently moved and have been meeting a whole new demographic of people. Most everybody I am meeting has ended with a bad experience. I have never experienced toking with people who would not pack. They only expect to smoke off of me. I know they have herb because I see them pull it out. When they do pack it’s so little I’ll either not get a hit at all or I’ll only get one. Then they expect me to pack two or three bowls. I have asked one of them about this and their reason is because they don’t want to “waste the herb”. Because of this I have become very uninterested in meeting new people because I think everyone around here is like this. At first I told myself it was okay because I wanted to make new friends but now I am to a point where I just smoke alone. Being the guy to smoke out 5 or 6 heads has caused a huge financial problem for me. What should I do about this situation?


Well-Known Member
Just be patient and observant and you'll (eventually) either find the right friends to smoke with or rightfully become a weed hermit.

Timmy Cannabis

New Member
Thanks guys I will definitely take your advice. I've slowly begun to enjoy being alone but it's always nice to have a few people around.


Well-Known Member
turn about is fair play.. next time explain your reasoning why your are not packing the bowl for them.. or bring out only what you intend to smoke with them.... why lie? why not just tell them the truth, if they are decent people they may see your point..

I have a buddy I know is glad I share with.. he has little $ and I always kick him some.. he will buy a pack a smokes for me once in awhile.. I also was one who was given a great deal of free weed and to this day still hang out with and will swap clones/buds/medibles etc..


Well-Known Member
I've noticed that if any of my friends found out I grew they expect free buds. They have no idea the amount of money and time that goes into growing, no matter how many times you tell them. Just because you didn't buy it they think its free bud. I just keep it to myself nowadays, except for a few patients that I know can not afford to buy it. People will walk all over you if you let them.

F.A Hayek

Active Member
Sounds like you're kicking it with the wrong demographic. The vast majority of my friends are stoners who are more than liberal with their stash. Don't surround yourself with people who are obviously just using you for their own personal gain.

Timmy Cannabis

New Member
Yea. Next time we hang out I think I'm going to sit back and see how the essence of the room goes and play off that. That's seems to be what everyone here is in agreement with.


Active Member
I always ask my friends if they wana "match" then we share equal parts of weed

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Active Member
you seem quite young what age group are you in?

Dude just listen to the voice that's talking to you inside your head. You know it's not right that's why your on here. These guys are not true friends. I would ditch them and look for new ones. Sorry but that's just how it goes. You've just fell into a group of assholes, it happens. I find I can enjoy the herb more alone myself..

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I would definitely not be okay with that. Have them bring the stuff next time and pack 3 bowls for you.

Not cool to get and never give.


Well-Known Member
you seem quite young what age group are you in?
Who me??????

My very close friends are cool it's just some of those so-called friends. Even if they give you a donation for some, they always seem to have the attitude like "I should get this cheaper, or it should be bigger". It doesn't affect my mood or anything like that- its nothing to me really. It just kinda shows you who your true friends really are. I actually don't socially smoke with anyone; very seldomly.


Well-Known Member
It's something we teach our children at a very young age, sharing, it's an inherent aspect of the marijuana community and when I've come across "those" people I smoke them out too because I don't shun anyone from that circle. But that's not to say that they are invited to the next gathering.
You'll find this type of scenario is not an isolated one and it will probably be the norm if you frequently seek those kinds of people as friends.


Well-Known Member
I smoke with a buddy who doesn't pay up much, because he can't, I choose to invite him. He's the only person I smoke with though, he pays when he can. Ditch the freeloaders fella.

Timmy Cannabis

New Member
Yea. I have a few friends that I would always smoke out because they don't have much money. But when I am just meeting you I'm not expecting to smoke you and the entire community out. At first I thought there was something wrong with me as a person but now that I am talking to you guys I am beginning to see there is an issue with these people and it is time I seek out a better friend group in my new area.


Well-Known Member
Look at who you hang with, one seems to take the other down. Hardly ever see it go up.