How to Cope With Stingy People


Active Member
I have a neighbor that I only see when he wants me to smoke him up. But he always toss's me 5 bucks here and there

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Well-Known Member
Hello, This is my first forum post. I do not intend to sound like a whiny ass or annoying. I have been toking for a little more than 5 years now. I have recently moved and have been meeting a whole new demographic of people. Most everybody I am meeting has ended with a bad experience. I have never experienced toking with people who would not pack. They only expect to smoke off of me. I know they have herb because I see them pull it out. When they do pack it’s so little I’ll either not get a hit at all or I’ll only get one. Then they expect me to pack two or three bowls. I have asked one of them about this and their reason is because they don’t want to “waste the herb”. Because of this I have become very uninterested in meeting new people because I think everyone around here is like this. At first I told myself it was okay because I wanted to make new friends but now I am to a point where I just smoke alone. Being the guy to smoke out 5 or 6 heads has caused a huge financial problem for me. What should I do about this situation?
Fuck that, don't smoke with them then. Tell them that you're the one wasting herb by packing much more than they are and if they want to get high then they can go "waste" their own shit. If you really think about it, matching makes no sense if you have the same strain other than stoner etiquette. Definitely don't financially support a few low life weed fiends who likely only talk to you if it results in them getting high. Keep your own shit and just relax, enjoy yourself for a while and you should come across someone with your type of mindset/personality (real recognizes real). Nothing wrong with being kind and generous but the minute someone tries to use or take advantage of you, cut them off. Or act like the situation is reversed (like saying you're out of bud and need a hook-up) and see if they'd be willing to help you out like you did to them.


Well-Known Member
ignore them...find other friends

I have a couple Oz's sitting around. I can share with friends that reciprocate, only.


Well-Known Member
Don't settle for hanging out with people like that, they aren't true friends and just bring stress. Friendships are two-sided. If they're gone when the weed's gone, they should just be gone right now.


Well-Known Member
grow your own and dont tell anyone.. then if you like the company of your stingy friends it wont be so hard on the pocket to smoke them out. just tell them you got a buddy that gives you great deals.. and stay persistant on them not meeting the buddy lol