How tall and wide does an indica need to be for pound?


Active Member
I know most sativias average at 1 Oz per feet outdoor but wat about pure indicas?
Lets say you had an outdoor indica standing at 3.5 feet high and 2-3 feet wide with 6 main colas from an early fim? Whats hieght would an indica need to be to ne a during flowering for a pound?:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Go as big as you can, with as much quality soil as you can. If you're just starting out, it's going to be tough to get a pound off one plant, unless you do your homework, and put in the effort.(or get Get a shovel or backhoe,lol dig a huge hole in the ground, fill it with at least 10 bags of good soil,(more, if you can spare the cash) and you'll be off to a good start. :wink:


Well-Known Member
That is necessary unless the local soil is sand. Most soils can be amended to provide an excellent growing medium.

As for the original question, there is no set science. However, consider this, your dry weight will be about 20% of your chop weight, so in order to harvest a cured weight of 1 pound, you would need to chop approximately 5 lbs of wet bud.