How suspicious would...


Active Member
i think u can divert the suspiciousness by building something that doesnt look like a a shed or barn type thing and have a skylight. no one would suspect any growing....except me...and whoever esle reads


Active Member
And along with everything grow some tomatoes, around the grow house, and sun flowers, easy to grow, and great cover!


Well-Known Member
there are greenhouses along the road where i live. every time i drive by them i am like i bet those fukkers grow weed lol. but like you said i am on a grow sight. but before i ever thought about growing it looked suspicious to me. you know how nosey people are. do whatever your gut instinct tells you. if it says yes, then do it lol.


Well-Known Member
I will defiantly do it, but I will make sure to do it right. I will probably have for flowers and vegetables and the other for my crop. That way IF people want to take a peek I can say here look at these. Also, I'm going to do it in a rural town where my neighbors are few and far between. I can't wait. :mrgreen::peace:


Active Member
have u ever thought of building ur growroom under the greenhouse?? mite take a lot of digging and planning but that would def be the way to go.....ive thought of this before considering i own a small landscaping company and building a greenhouse probably wouldnt raise any suspicion.....jus figured u could make a 4-5 inch deep gravel ground for the greenhouse, and that would leave plenty of room to make a door or entrance 2-3 inches into the gravel........u ould ventilate into the compost pile of ur tomatoes and other vegetable u'll be growing......and im sure gettin electricity there wouldnt be a HUGE problem.....idk, probably a pain in the ass but absolute stealth is a main concern of mine wen i consider growing something that would fuck me if i ever got caught :joint: :hump:


Well-Known Member
If I had a shit ton of money I would build an underground farm, lol. But I want to grow huge trees under what I consider the best light source (the sun). It's free to use the sun and I would be overly concerned with light bills more so than with a greenhouse. With where I'm going to be doing this I don't see neighbors as being an issue as long as I have some legit cover up such as selling small produce and some house plants. You do have an interesting idea though...maybe you can do it and let us know.