How safe is


New Member
if you really want to think about this for a moment i would think its litterally impossible to get caught its pretty hard for any law and enforcement to actually find your ip this site is on a main server tha someone paid for privacy and security that law and enforcement cant get into without a search warrant and trying to get one is litterally impossible
why i say this is this site is world wide its the internet lol just google how to make a nuclear weapon or dynomite lol recipe is there why isnt those shut down
what i am trying to say this site prob would of bin shit down years ago but being international they can't do fck all


Active Member
this is what happens when you devoite a website to a substance that makes you paranoide.... buy the way why dose a lepricorn wear 3 condoms? to be sure, to be sure, to be sure


Well-Known Member
id be more worried about losing my crop to my dog, my gf, some evil bug, or a fungus, than anything ever happening cuz of this site, been using it for a loooong time, and all is good... (except the dog, that mofo eats my plants)