How Old/Young are You


Active Member
Just past 40 and I've learned there are things you just don't ever give up appreciating, like weed and young girls. :weed:


Well-Known Member
hmmmm um not young girls, i guess you mean young women. i find now im older that i appreciate older women, well some anyway.really appreciate the herb though thats for sure


Elite Rolling Society
I am just wondering how many people out there are in my age bracket. Im going to be 44 this month,and I am starting to get the feeling that most people posting here are a fair bit younger from what Ive read so far. Anyhow if the vast majority of members are much younger than myself,then that would defintely affect how I go about writing or reading posts.
Bro, I am 59, will be 60 in a couple months. I'm an old hippie, flowerchild, freak, head. Hit my first joint in 1967 and have smoked everyday since 69.
I know what you mean, aobut the youngsters here, but I enjoy helping and teaching them. It is the rude, smart ass punks that really get to me sometimes and I am not so sure it is all about age. Just different cultures, I t hink.

old pothead

Well-Known Member
I'm 52 soon to be older,LOL.Been smoking since i was 14 and started growing on accident about the same time.OPH

Adamus P.R.I.M.E.

Well-Known Member
I cant recall too many news events outside of 9/11 and the Oklahoma City Bombing...

But I know How I've grown up and what I've seen...

I'm 23, I've been on my own since I was 14, I got kicked out of high school and never graduated, but was "smart" enough to learn how to forge a diplmoma, for me to get in the Air Force..

I've seen the sun rise on one side of the country and set on the other side in the same day... California Sunsets are the one thing that I will Never Forget..

I've been smokin since i was 17, and have found that smoking pot helped me more than the Adderol (sp.) I was prescribed... I've never looked back...


Well-Known Member
I thought I won until I saw Roseman. I'm almost 53, and only vaping with my volcano these days........


Well-Known Member
hey you ride a panhead??
Among others.

I have a Panhead that i ride,as well as a Shovelhead,Fatboy,Road King & an Iron Head Sporty that i plan on chopping out after i retire,i have girder front end that ive had stashed away that i bought out of easy riders magazine in the early 1980's & i never got around to using so the Iron Head is the perfect scooter to use it on,the Iron Head is mounted on a rare Gary Bang frame ive had forever,ive also got a set of Gary Bang 2.5 inch shot gun drag pipes i bought new in the 1980's that never got used so they'll go on that lil scoot as well.

I collect HD's as a hobby but ive rode Panheads for about 40 years now hense the nickname my friends gave me.