How much/little light leaking does it take to interfere with dark cycle?


Active Member
MY OPINION If I need to do something in my flowering room and it's dark time for them I go in turn on my cfl in there for this purpose and do it. Only had 1 true hermie in my life and that was from a hermie seed. Bag seeds do tend to hermie more I've been told. I don't believe light leaks cause hermies and will be flowering a plant in my veg room to see what it does with the light leaks from my 18/6 lights. I mean if someone has some tried and true science to back up this claim I'll surly listen. I honestly think too many people listen to what others OPINIONS are and then consider it a fact.


Active Member
ive found that when ive noticed a leak the only male parts are on the plants that the light was reaching. I think it does take more than a little light to stress a plant to herm though, when it has happened to me it is near the end of flower so i think the plants are getting a tad pot bound at that stage anyway. Whenever i get seeds from a herm they grow to nice females and i have read a few articles over the years stating femd seeds come from fertilising a hermo plant, i would be really interested to read some proper scientific tests done on how much stress of different types plants can handle. anybody know of anything of the sort?


Well-Known Member
You have to beat that bitch up for her to grow balls and fuck you off. With lesbians there's always one who's butch and thinks she's a bloke, probably had a bullied childhood?! DONT SMACK YOUR BITCH UP.