How much harm will this do???


Well-Known Member
OK.I was just told yesterday by my landlord that i need to have an inspection done by the township.It wont happen until @ april 20th.I just switched my lights to 12/12.BY 4/20 my plants would be flowering for @ 30 days.Will moving them to a safe location & interrupting their light cycle for 2 or 3 days harm my girls???I have no other choice,but to move them(most probably outside).I'm worried that they may turn hermie on me.Also,how long do you think it will take to get the odor out from my home?Thanx


Well-Known Member
C'mon anybody?????????Surely someone has had to have this happened to them at one point or another.Please respond....someone who really knows their shit.


Well-Known Member
2 to 3 days with no light will severely damage them . i have read several occasions on here of the same situation and trust me they will be close to biting the bullet. if they have some sort of sunlight (sun) they will survive. ive also read a bunch of posts where random on/off light cycles (i.e- experimenting), interupting night cycles cause an increase in males/hermies .


Well-Known Member
trust me i have done my research on here and have experimented alot. look at my recent posts and check my grow if your interested.


Well-Known Member
Screwing with your light cycle will most probably create hermies. If you're at 12/12 now and you move them outside you're going to be increasing the # of hours of daylight. Can't you set up another grow area now and move them indoors some place else in one fell swoop? Why do you need to interrupt the cycle for 3 days?


Well-Known Member
I need to move them because i have to have a house inspection somtime in the near future.Cant let inspectors find or smell my girlies.If they do go outside,yes they will have sunshine on them.Completly worried that this will totally fuck-up my grow.Trying to ask some buddies if i could put them there for a few days but,as for now there is no one willing to allow me to use there home.Another reason that i want them gone for at least 3 days prior to inspection, is to let the odor in my home clear-out..........Thanks again to gohydro & to Firebrand18rJr.Greatfull for your feedback


Well-Known Member
like hydro says the sun goes down at a completely different hour . thats why us indoor growers like indoors cuz we can control every scenario. heat,cooling, lighting, watering. anyways best bet is to take them in your vehicle somewhere you know noone will go and leave em there. worst case screnario they will be eaten by animals or stolen. good luck to you and pm me when u harvest . we can trade pics cuz ours will be done about the same time. heres my grow just switched to 12/12 under 1000w hps & 400w hps from a 3 month long veg under 1000w mh and 400w mh .

Video of 1st day of hps - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Active Member
do you have any friends that wouldn't mind looking after them for a few days? set up your lights there. hit them back with a bit of harvest as thanks and for the electricity bill. well i guess that might depend on how many girlies you have.


Well-Known Member
You know "tehdasauce"I thought about doing that but,that will put me in the summer months when flowering will begin and end.I dont know if i will be able to combat the heat in my growroom along w/rising temps and humidity outside.(i have no ac).And for firebrand,that is what i will most probablly do.I do know of a place where they will be safe for a few days and i will definitily put up some type of fencing.And i will (pm) you w/some pics when i can.Thank-you so much for your input.I dont want this to be the demise of my plants.


Well-Known Member
Cman86.I'm trying to do that too!,but no takers.I have a total of 6 girlies.3are @ 2ft high & fimmed.The other 3 are @ 16 inches tall & fimmed also.


Well-Known Member
Luke I know exactly where you are coming from. I currently have a 1000w in quite a small area 6x4x7 and when the summer falls upon us my first attempt to reduce the heat is to run the lamp at hours from 10pm to 10am. I could perhaps start a bit earlier but I believe this schedule will be fine.