how much does 400 watt HPS Raise Elec bill


Active Member
How much does your electric company charge per kilowatt hour (it's on your bill)? Multiply that number by .400 (the kilowattage of your fixture), then multiply by the number of hours a day the light will be on. Lets say your electric company charges you 8 cents/kilowatt hour. 8 x .400 = 3.2c/hr, so if it's on for 18 hours a day during veg. thats 57.6c per day, or apx $17.25 a month to the bill.

You can also check the FAQs for the answer.


Well-Known Member
Hi Smokie,

here is the formula i gave on another post ....
To calculate cost: multiply bulb wattage (WT) times hours of operation (HRS) and divide by 1000. This equals the number of kilowatt hours of electricity consumed.

Example: a 400 watt bulb running 18 hours will consume 7.2 kilowatt hours (400 X 18 / 1000)

check your power bill for the cost of each kilowatt hour. You can then multiply the number of kilowatt hours by the cost of a kilowatt hour to determine the cost per month.

Some examples (assuming a price of .04 per kilowatt hour):
A 400 watt light fixture running 6 hours a day:
6 HRS X 400 WATTS \ 1000 X .04 X 30 (days) = $3.31 per month

A 1000 watt light fixture running 24 hours a day:
24 HRS x 1000 WATTS \ 1000 X .04 X 30 (days) = $28.80 per month

So to answer your question (for 24/7 lighting):
24 HRS X 400 WATTS \ 1000 X .04 X 30m (days) = $11.52 per month

The formula is:
Bulb Wattage = WATT
Hours of operation = HRS
Cost per Kilowatt hour (should be represented in cents like .04 or .06)= .KH
the 1000 is part of the formula
and the 30 represents days in a month

WATT X HRS \ 1000 X .KH X 30 = cost per month

So you would read that as Watts times hours divided by 1000 times cost of kilowatt hour times 30 days equals cost per month
im about to purchase a light but im keeping in mind fan electricity costs too. i cant imagine it only costs pennys to run a big ass inline fan.. like it does for the small fans im using for cfl right now