How much do you think this person can yield?

someone who isn't me has 14 cfl 26w daylight cfls for growing and then 14 26w soft white cfls for flowering.3 plants in the closet. the strain is a pure indica called ketama xaoen.

soil; some soil mix bought at zellers for $5. organic mix. the pots are 9inches tall. no nutrients and fertilizers.

reflectors; black and white paper for reflecting. the white side is being used obviously for the reflection. it's not mylar.

sorry they're no pics at the moment.

strain info;

Originally from Northern Morocco, it’s been acclimatised to European latitudes since the 90’s; an arduous and difficult task for a plant that thrives in barren, rocky soil and arid, dry conditions. Requires little water and nutrients to produce large, resinous buds; may turn to hemp if overfed. A pure, unadulterated Indica that flowers early, producing excellent resin yields. Highly resistant to plagues and pests, it’s widely used by Moroccans to produce one of the world’s best hashes. Welcome to the Path of Mohammed… Salam!
Bank: World of Seeds Bank
Way of Cropping: Outdoor
Race: Pure race obtained from North of Morroc (Ketama zome)
Genotype: 100% Indica
Height: 1.25 - 1.75 m
Width: Depending on prune. Some branched without prune.
Growing time: 3 weeks
Harvest time: 45 - 55 days indoor/average, October outdoor.
Resistance to mushrooms: Very low
Resistance to plague: Generally few vulnerable
Irrigation tolerance: Very low
Yield: 250 gr per m2 indoor/ 400 - 500 gr per plant outdoor
Medicinal value: High (for its high CBD content)
Smell: Hashish/noble wood
Flavour: Noble wood
Effects: Very narcotic but not killer
THC Level: 16.2 % measured upon the rest of cannabinoids. 4.9% measured upon the rest of organic substances belonging to buds like: amino acids, sugars, terpenoids, vegetal hormones, and cannabinoids (determined by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry)
I recently did a super mini stealth grow as an experiment and as its all i could possibly get away with for whatever reasons. After veg with 45w blue bulb, i had one 45w red spec CFL bulb on for only 6 hours a day (this is slightly before and then during flowering), and i managed to get a good 1/2 ounce out of it in total. The main harvest was Nivarna's Full moon, which is loverly bud and yielded better than i expected from reading up on it. Also the plant pot i used was tiny, as i intended the plant to stay that way.

i Also had a bad northern light phono from them, coz me and a mate shared the seeds, both got same results: lanky very low bud to leaf ratio and stunk as well. Disappointing as what i read up on it was that it was meant to be low odour, short and big producer, it ticked none of those boxes. but any way i got about 1/8 off that if not less, even though i just left it in the corner with little light as it was just too big for the grow space.

So in short you can get bud from pretty much nothing, but it whether its worth your while if a different matter. as i know most people would be wanting over 2 ounce for a harvest. But then again people might not even believe you can get anything with such small amount of light.

Depending on the rest of the growing environment; air movement, growing medium & ferts, and how well you train the plant and place the lights, id say you could get an ounce off that plant.

Also as 'indoorgrowbro' said, how long you veg matters plenty, obviously keep it relative to your grow space.........i'll shut up now



Active Member
Bro ur prob gunna yield like 1.5 oz. I have 1 plant in 6 of those CFLS and moving to 12 soon. I'm shooting for 2 oz. check it out


Well-Known Member
High: if SeeMoreBuds can harvest a half a pound under two curly-cue CFL's you do the math and figure. I think you'll find this varies a lot with the genetics of the strain you're growing, the nutrients you're using and the environment you're growing in. You might want to RTFB. Lighting is a very complex subject but some people try to make it a lot more complicated than it needs to be. First, you need to understand how they measure the light that you're using for what you want to do with your plants. I’m not an electrician and I certainly don't have all the answers but I'll try to simplify it for you.Wattage is the load rating of a lamp or the amount of current or electricity that the lamp draws or uses. As I recall from a Physics class I took in the mid 70's, but don't hold me to it now because I don't have the book in front of me: “Watts is amperage draw times the supplied voltage,” and it's usually read in a relatively small number. CFL’s typically draw:14, 17, 21, 29 watts. Incandescent light bulbs draw: 40, 60, 100, and MH and HPS draw: 250, 400, 600, up to a 1,000 watts. What that means is that the higher the wattage rating on the lamp the more electricity it uses and the more it costs to operate.
That's what got us all into all those little curly-cue CFL's, (compact fluorescent lamps), and they dropped my electric bill drastically on a level pay plan to a point where I don't even get a bill from the power company for three months of the year. Before my incandescent lights were burning 60 watts each, now they’re using only 14. It makes sense.
The really tricky part of this is that they advertise the wattage of electricity they use and the amount of light they produce and compare it to the equivalent used by an incandescent lamp putting out the same amount of light. The ones I just bought claim they only draw 14 watts but they put out the same amount of light as a sixty watts incandescent light bulb. The one I use on my clone mother draws only 29 watts but claims to put out the equivalent light of a 100 watt incandescent bulb. Now is that clear to you, or are you just as confused as the rest of us? But we're not done yet.
Lumens is a measurement of the amount light, the intensity it projects, the brightness and that's usually measured in hundreds of lumens. I don't know where the top of the scale is but the new brighter, Ecosmart CFL lamps I just changed over to in my home advertise that they generate 850 lumens of light while consuming only 14 watts of electricity. Now you don't have to light a match to find the damned things at night when they're turned on like their earlier predecessors. My wife used to bitch that the old ones being too dim to read under but now she complains that the new ones are too bright. Go figure. Now let's consider the color of the light they're producing.
Color, frequency or temperature of the light it produces is measured when it's run through a prism and seen in the available spectrum of colors. It’s measured in Kelvins; K's. These new lamps I bought are rated at 4,800K's, which is pretty close to the 5,000K green T-5 grow lamps I use in my tent for vegging. The lower the K's, the redder and the warmer the light. The higher the K's the cooler the light and the color goes from green to blue. Cool, green to blue light is for vegetative growth and warm red light is for flowering. Got that? If you can keep that straight think about what the sun produces during the year. In the spring and early summer the light is bright and cool, it has a higher K rating number; it's greener toward blue and our plants grow. If you have a copy of Cervantes’s “MARIJUANA HORTICULTURE THE INDOOR/OUTDOOR MEDICAL GROWER’S BIBLE,” look at page 160. Grow lamps are green to blue and that's the cool light that’s suitable for vegging. Come fall we get those beautiful warm red orange sunsets and the light is red and warm and that’s the 2,700K red light we use for flowering.
Now let’s look at the practical side of this. I’m going to fool my plants with the right diet and lighting to go from seed sprouting to harvest in half the time they will normally need in nature. From seed sprouting through vegging I feed my babies a high N diet that’s low P and K to go along with the 5,000K grow lights and the longer lights on schedule. Right now I'm using 5,000K T-5 grow lamps for my plants to veg under. I'm told this is a moderately green light they like for growth and photosynthesis. One grower uses 6,000K's lamps and another grower uses 6,500K's. I was warned against the higher K rating by a person I trust at the hydro store. The other lamps cost a little more but my friend at the hydro store claimed he sees less light related problems with the 5,000K's so that's what I bought, and they've worked fine for me. Most people have these on for vegging anywhere from 24 to 20 to 16 hours a day. You choose.
When my plants begin to preflower I change their diet to a lower N and higher P-K nutrient blend and the lamps in their T-5 fixture to warm red flowering lights that are rated at only 2,700K. I also drop the light interval, (the time that they're on). Some folks go directly to a 12/12 schedule but I use a progressive light schedule that starts at 20 hours of light at seed planting with 4 hours of resting darkness and I reduce the light by one hour a week. But that's another issue altogether, and I explained it here already in another post.
After some experimentation I settled on a progression to a bottom figure of 10 hours of light and 14 hours of darkness and stayed with that until harvest. And the strains I'm growing seemed to really like it.
So if you're asking elementary lighting questions I suggest you refer to the following sources: 1. Read: SeeMoreBud’s book, “MARIJUANA BUDS FOR LESS GROW 8 OZ. OF BUDS FOR LESS THAN $100.” 2. Read: Jorge Cervantes’s book, “MARIJUANA HORTICULTURE THE INDOOR/OUTDOOR MEDICAL GROWER’S BIBLE.” 3. Read: Ed Rosenthal’s, “MARIJUANA GROWER’S HANDBOOK.” 4. Read: Mc Carthy’s book, “GROWING MARIJUANA.” 5. You’ll also want to subscribe to, “HIGH TIMES,” magazine. Each issue is chocked full of useful information. .” All these resources are very well written, well illustrated and packed with information that will answer most of your questions before you know to ask them. 6. There's another excellent book I'm reading right now by Greg Green called, “THE CANNABIS GROW BIBLE-SECOND EDITION,” it’s every bit as good as the ones I mentioned above but a lot more technical. All of these resources are available at major book stores and at most growing forums. They will save you and your plants a lot of stress. The only problem with these forums is that if you get in a jam and need help right away it may be a while before we can get back to you. I sincerely hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
my first grow I did a Mazar/LA conf mix.. i vegged until it was about almost 2 feet, flowered for about 65 days under CFL .. i got almost 3 ounces dry