How many time do you check your plants?


Well-Known Member
Ever since I started growing I constantly check them. When im at work all I think of is how are my babies doing. Once I get home I check them before I undress. If im stoned, forget it, I seem to be checking them like once every few minutes. I even catch myself going back right after I check them out.

Anyone else have this problem?


Well-Known Member
i think it is good money to bet most of us did this and many continue to do so.

I will say that my plants have never grown better or faster than the times i've had to leave them be. sometimes the more you love them the less they grow.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking the same thing. I am in and out of that room like a worried mother. I talk to them too. My cat is always trying to get in there ( its our guest bedroom closet with a big window ). The first sprout we had she ate but it was cool cuz was a mid seed. I think our plants become our babies.


Well-Known Member
Me and my cat lay next to each and stare at them sometimes. I like to think he knows what it is, because I*ve gotten him high a few times. (not forcefully)


Well-Known Member
lmao dude, i cant stop checking on them. Like this one sporutling just came out, and i cant stop checking on it. cus one thing its still kind of cold, hot and cold spurts where i live right now...and so i gotta keep adjusting it. But dude im obsessed. i show my cat it too, and get it baked.. its so funny. but she likes to brush on stuff when you sow it, so i gotta watch it lol i love her but id be pissed if she snapped my plant.


Well-Known Member
I remeber my cat used to nibble on my plants leaves. but not anymore. idk, she just stopped i guess. and yeah, she has taken a few shotguns to the face before. she just laid on her back and passed out.


Well-Known Member
i wake up every morning around 7 or so and thats the first thing i do- no matter how tired i am or how much i wanna sleep. gotta squint me eyes cause its like looking into a closet full of gold!!! (the 400w hps light gives it that effect lol)


Well-Known Member
Ever since I started growing I constantly check them. When im at work all I think of is how are my babies doing. Once I get home I check them before I undress. If im stoned, forget it, I seem to be checking them like once every few minutes. I even catch myself going back right after I check them out.

Anyone else have this problem?

What problem? :)


Well-Known Member
well its getting to be where my girlfriend gets annoyed. especially when she thinks im walking towards her to give her a hug but then i make a sharp turn into the closet.


Well-Known Member
Haha. Yes I have both of those problems of checking on them constantly ( gives me something to do) and also the gf part. I am always in there, at least 5-10x a day. She does not want me even talking about it, anything, even buying more lights. If she knows I am in there she pretends like I am in the bathroom, and blocks it out. I think it's funny.


Well-Known Member
Every hour twice!LOL
Twice a day! Morning and before sunset since i have to take out my vegging baby!


Well-Known Member
Me too...constantly and always first thing in the morning usually before I even get to the bathroom my ex/roomate always says to my dog: "if she loved us this much...." I can stare at her for hours and if she is just a bit off I stare at her and then it will just pop in my head what she needs. Im am doing a scrog and almost feel like Im betraying her the way I am about to mangle her....


Well-Known Member
lol,my outdoors i sit by and eat and smoke lol,(big backyard),im on my first indoor now (cfl)i got two sprouts ckeck on em every time i think of em,20 times a day,lol


Well-Known Member
I am lucky I work from home and my grow is in the closet inside my office, for some reason I dont mind working 12 hours a day now lol I look at them constantly, sometimes I tell the wife I have work to do just so I can go in my office and close the door and have some quality time with my girls


Well-Known Member
Oh thank god! i thought i was the only one who did that! I'm in that closet like, 5 million times a day and i also talk to mine. when check on them and have a joint in my hand i always tell them that this is the destiny haha.

We're such crazy stoners :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
LOL,,,, My wife told me that I spend more time with them than her and shes right,,, she wont let me grow anymore,, at least until this blows over,, may be a while though,, cause I grew 62 plants at one time,,, you can just imagine how long I was in there,,, loved every second,, all bagweed,,, but I loved each and every one of them,,,,, wish I could have put my bed in there,, that would have been cool to open one eye to check em out in the middle of the night,,,,,,,,but,,,,,,, after a long time of that, I started to give em a break and only look in at them a few times a day,, like when they were down to like 10 plants, by then I knew it was coming to an end and I didnt have any seedlings or clones in the wings,, so sad,,,,,, I'LL BE BACK,,, ONE DAY,,,, I'LL BE BACK.