How many of you live in California? The Central Coast to be Exact..


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I would like to know how many of you experienced outdoor growers live, and grow, out here in the Central Coast or Surrounding Areas.
I live In both Arroyo Grande and Oceano, Ca..two houses.. and I'd like to know...


I'm up north near Sacramento but I agree with SenorBrown mid may is a good time unless you have warm enough temps and enough light to start a bit earlier. What do you plan on growing?


Well-Known Member
Sorry to barge in on your post, but i live in the Santa Cruz Mountains and i have this area that is constantly getting full sunlight for atleast 8 hours a day. Could i grow there, like, right now?


Well-Known Member
Sorry to barge in on your post, but i live in the Santa Cruz Mountains and i have this area that is constantly getting full sunlight for atleast 8 hours a day. Could i grow there, like, right now?
You can, but they will reveg as the days get longer. scm's are an awesome place to grow...also imo it's best to make a new thread ...also again, welcome!


Well-Known Member
In Oceano there's a ton of fog in the mornings..its a town along the coast with houses on the beach..Arroyo Grande. Is 5 miles inland and I have little fog problem. Both share the almost exactly the same temperature's...
Its 76' degrees right now..and the days are getting warmer. Nights. Are 45' to 55' degrees.


Well-Known Member
I'm growing seeds from a buddy, he found them in his herb so I wanna practice outdoor. With them...I currently have a Omg Cheese plant and 707 truth plant in third week of flowering, all indoor and they look hella bomb for my first. Indoor grow also, at least I think so.


I'm growing seeds from a buddy, he found them in his herb so I wanna practice outdoor. With them...I currently have a Omg Cheese plant and 707 truth plant in third week of flowering, all indoor and they look hella bomb for my first. Indoor grow also, at least I think so.
Haha you know someone is from norcal when you hear them say hella. you should post some pics bro especially of that truth plant
i've never even heard of that strain.


Well-Known Member
Lol na I'm from South of the border, just moved up tp central California...but yeah I got buddies from nor cal.


Well man good luck with your grow If you need any help don't hesitate to ask. You should also make a grow log on here then more people can see how it's going and you can get better help if you have any issues.


I agree with SenorBrown mid may is a good time unless you have warm enough temps and enough light to start a bit earlier.


Well-Known Member
I went a different route..
I picked up GDP x Blueberry clone from Harborside for $14 and i just threw it out into the sun in a pot. I have a bed ready for it, i just need to add the soil, so for now the clone is in a pot until i transplant it into its bed. Also i know clones mature quicker than seeds, all this is just experimentation as this is my very first grow of my own.

Currently recieving sunlight from around 9:00 AM to around 6 PM. so 9 hours of sunlight a day as of now. Also, the last predicted frost for my area is March 13, which is in 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
I went a different route..
I picked up GDP x Blueberry clone from Harborside for $14 and i just threw it out into the sun in a pot. I have a bed ready for it, i just need to add the soil, so for now the clone is in a pot until i transplant it into its bed. Also i know clones mature quicker than seeds, all this is just experimentation as this is my very first grow of my own.

Currently recieving sunlight from around 9:00 AM to around 6 PM. so 9 hours of sunlight a day as of now. Also, the last predicted frost for my area is March 13, which is in 2 weeks.
i farkin' love that doing grandaddy OG this year (gdp & bb x SFV OG)


Well-Known Member
mid can put them out early if you use supplemental gueise get fog down there?

we get a marine later that comes in at night with the cool ocean air.. its always cools off at night no matter really how hot during the day.. i dont ever see anything really upwards of high 90's here in the 100's almost unheard of

sfguy here central coastin


Well-Known Member
My cousin and her family live down there and as you'll be under the marine layer its really not that great a place to grow outdoors also, my cousins man works for a delivery service in the area and is generally pretty knowledgeable about herb so I'd take his word. The humidity is going to kill you and probably mold the fuck out of your smoke if its dense.


Active Member
805 UNITE!

Good to still put out in May even if I want 8ft monsters? I was thinking mid April for my 5 strains(Ice, Blackjack, Swiss Cheese, KayaGold, MauiWaui)


Well-Known Member
Hmmm all good points...but I guess ill just have to give it a try and find out first hand.
So hows the outdoor grow.... Had to move her to 2x CFLs because of the weather. its prettty warm in my room. I learned that my pH should have been checked because now i have a magnesium, calcium, and phosphate deficiency