how many joints can you smoke in one sitting?

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Sometimes 10. Depends who is with me, and what we are doing. A couple friends chilling in the living room all night and 10+ could easily go.


Well-Known Member
depends who I got with me, I dont find it enjoyful to smoke weed with huge crowds lol like anything over 5 or 6 people. On average im a 2 joint man, but ive probably smoked up to 7-8 in one sitting with help.


Active Member
I get these cigar wraps and roll one giant blunt.. god dam near haf ounce, couple puffs and i am good.. dont really care about anyone else, but they are usully just fine!


It depends on the size of a joint. In my opinion there is no normal sized joint, its whatever you decide to put in it. Rolling gram joints I smoke like 8 to 10 on nights out.


Well-Known Member
How long is a sitting. I'll happily roll and smoke 15 or so .5-6 of a gram joints between, say, 9pm and 1-2 am. I din't do that sort of thing every night though. Not at all. If I'm going out I like to take about 6 joints and an 1/8 to a quarter with me in a tin. Maybe a few cigarette sized papers to smoke going to the train or bus stop.

buddha webb

New Member
Maybe the ceremonious side of you Rowlman man..
I think i do mostly,im always on the balcony anyway,but when at friends houses i feel awkward to ask if i may go outside and smoke...dunno,,,what im used to..


If its quality medicine it should only take a hit or two off the bowl .. every 20 min or so .. Thats my 2 cents .. ( and 33 yrs of smoking ) If I sat and smoked a whole joint i'd go to sleep for sure ..


Well-Known Member
This question is slanted........darn Europeans smoke those funny tobacco joints with just a little hash or herb in them. One cold smoke those all day long.

I'm all done in 3 or 4 pulls of powerful meds. Feelin' better for hours. I haven't rolled a joing in 8 years. I think I propbably coldn't even do it any more....I'm lame.