How many CFL's for seedlings?


Well-Known Member
I have germinated four seeds and stuck them in soil. Its been about 2 days since the sprouts broke the surface. They look healthy to me, i notice more growth almost every time i look at them. I'm using a spray bottle with very diluted liquid miracle grow, making sure to keep the soil moist. I am using one 23 w cfl right now and it seems to be working. Is this enought light for them, when will i need more and how many? Here is a couple pics, yes my setup is weak, but money is tight right now. Any comments and suggestions will be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
The pot that has 2 plants in it is a no no. The plants need a pot to them selves or else the roots will strangle each other and die. You will definitely need more lights for the whole grow.


Well-Known Member
I plan on serperating them soon. And as far as lights, i might just throw them outside. I've grown a couple bagseed buds but it always turns out with one vertical shoot, i believe its called main cola? Anyways its one shoot and the bud if i can call it that surounds this one shoot. I don't know why but i haven't had much luck getting plants to fill in good. i hacked a plant before,(i know now it was way early) and it seemed like a pistils just randomly picked a spot. I don't use nutrients but some all purpose fertilizer, which i stopped due to flowering. I gets about 12 12 light, due to it being outdoors. Criticism is welcome. THanks in advance.


Active Member
Their not that close together they will be just fine u should put all 4 in there about 2 and a half inches apart from each other thats how I grow my shit no problems


Active Member
when you use cfl's try to aim for a ratio of 100w/plant... so when they get a little bigger your going to want to go get about 400w worth of cfl's.