How long should I plan on flowering for?


Active Member
I only have about two months of grow time this summer so I'm sort of pressed for time. How long should I plan on flowering for the buds to be best?



Well-Known Member
depending on strain your looking at 8-12 weeks on average... some can get done a little faster than 8 weeks and some take a lot longer than 12 weeks... so.. hope your strain is a fast flowering one!!

good luck


Well-Known Member
Attitude said "6-9 Weeks" on the page for seeds, KC36 btw.
You can try growing 12/12 from seed... the plants won't reach their full potential w/o a substantial vegitative stage, but you can force the "immature" plants into flowering ASAP that way and they won't get too big... You might need an extra 3-4 weeks, if possible... I started 4 juicy fruit from, vegged for 4 weeks and then germed 2 and put them straight into the 12/12 lighting... they seem to be doing fine and have caught up with the shorter phenos already... the 2 larger phenos are just starting to shoot white pistils and I expect the rest of them will go into flowering within a week...
Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
if you have enough light your girl can flower in 6 week time period.. could take a little longer because the seed producer say "6-9 weeks" but really mean "6-9 weeks if you have a bad ass, perfectly tuned grow op and the plants will be under optimum conditions the entire time"... since we know that cant be achieved likely assume itll be about 7 weeks with enough lighting.. could be done in the 6 week time frame but i dont want to get your hopes up... assume 8 weeks... if it takes a week longer its not devistating.. if it gets done sooner youll be happier than shit...

what kinda lighting are you using btw??


Well-Known Member
you should be fine.. if you cant veg them put them straight into 12/12... theres a noticeable difference between the quality of a mature plant, and the quality of the same plant if flowered before maturity... but its up to you and your time line... if you can take some clones of her and grow them out... then you can see what shes like before maturity and afterwards...

nice lights too.. and a good deal.. ill soon (next couple months i hope) be getting 4-1000w hps lights for my new setup... time cant go by fast enough!


Well-Known Member
i would personally veg for 3-4 weeks under 24/0 and the flower under 12/12... you want to give your plant time to reach its full maturity... which takes about that long... now if you let your plants veg for 3-4 weeks and reach maturity, all the clones you take from it will already to be mature so you can start flowering those right after they root and get good mature buds... BUT... like i said, imho, you should at least veg for a few weeks before flowering.... bigger plant will give bigger yields... mature plants produce better buds.... so you could have 4 weeks veg + 9 weeks flower = 15 weeks total... or it could go 4 weeks veg + 6 weeks flowering = 10 weeks total.. it depends again on how fast the plant wants to grow and flower, the enviroment its in, and a ton of other determining factors... to make it easy, and quit my rambeling, assume youll have 12 weeks total from seed... 4 weeks veg and 8 weeks flower... thats if you veg, which is recommened, unless your using clones from a mature mother....


Active Member
i would personally veg for 3-4 weeks under 24/0 and the flower under 12/12... you want to give your plant time to reach its full maturity... which takes about that long... now if you let your plants veg for 3-4 weeks and reach maturity, all the clones you take from it will already to be mature so you can start flowering those right after they root and get good mature buds... BUT... like i said, imho, you should at least veg for a few weeks before flowering.... bigger plant will give bigger yields... mature plants produce better buds.... so you could have 4 weeks veg + 9 weeks flower = 15 weeks total... or it could go 4 weeks veg + 6 weeks flowering = 10 weeks total.. it depends again on how fast the plant wants to grow and flower, the enviroment its in, and a ton of other determining factors... to make it easy, and quit my rambeling, assume youll have 12 weeks total from seed... 4 weeks veg and 8 weeks flower... thats if you veg, which is recommened, unless your using clones from a mature mother....
Thanks bro, rep.