How long should I leave under the fluorescent?


Well-Known Member
Your plants are already too tall. Put the fluoros as close to the leaves as possible and change over to MH as soon as they have two sets of leaves. Don't put the MH too close to the plants or they will burn. When you can hold your hand on top of the plants and not get burned you're in the right place.


Well-Known Member
When the plants first popped above the rockwool I had the light right on it, raising when needed. My grow tent is 4ft x 4ft x 6.5ft and will keep the MH 1-2ft away raising when needed.

Right now I have the fluorescent on 24 hours with an oscillating fan gently blowing the plants to make them strong.

For the ones Im going to plant in soil, I was thinking about 3 gallon buckets. What soil do you guys think I should use, Ocean Farm?

Thanks again