How long have you been smoking?


Well-Known Member
Now i am 19 years old, and going on 6 years of smoking the cannabis, and sorry to say but i realy feel like quiting. maybe not for good but for a while maybe.. i feel its having a impact on my health.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, taking a break would probably help your body out a little bit. Even for just a month or so, let all the thc get out of your body. Also when you smoke after quiting for a month, you'lll prolly get pretty high = )


Well-Known Member
I stole some buds from my parents when I was 9 and toked it... then started at 13 and been going ever since.
Roughly 16 years. (i'm 29)
Everytime I take a break for a few weeks/months... I always feel like it was worth it. Makes your high 10x's more enjoyable. Even if its just for a week.


Active Member
Smoking for 9 years now. It's true. The longer you take a break the better the high is afterwards.


Well-Known Member
I been smokin on my bitch Mary Jane ever since i was 11 in 6th grade and im still in love with Mary after a long relationship of 6 years, she never put me down and she never made me frown, when ever i needed to relieve my mind i know i had Ms. Jane by my side, juss waitin till she kissed my lips, holdin her with my thumb and my index fingertips, Man all i gotta say is dont u ever leave me Ms. Jane cuz wit out u i prolly go insane... Thank you Mary Jane...

I smoke weed like every day, I get high like every day, i wrather die than be dry, and if you aint gunna smoke than GET THE FUCK OUT THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
my friend quit for like a month to get a job, and then when he got it we smoked like 5 blunts, and he was so high he thought he was gonna die...he wouldnt stfu until we took him to ER...the doctor just told him maybe he shouldnt smoke marijuana anymore.


Well-Known Member
my friend quit for like a month to get a job, and then when he got it we smoked like 5 blunts, and he was so high he thought he was gonna die...he wouldnt stfu until we took him to ER...the doctor just told him maybe he shouldnt smoke marijuana anymore.
How embarrassing. I would NOT have taken him to the ER.



Well-Known Member
On and off for 27 years. Heavily when I was younger, like an OZ in a couple of weeks.
As I got older I kinda quit, just didn't feel like it any more. Smoked like once or twice a year for a few years. A few times a week for the past 6 months or so.


Well-Known Member
First smoked in the 6th grade, now im 18. I really need to take a break, ive been smoking ALOT everyday for almost a year..

Weed Guy

Master Roller
About a year and a half ago, was in a boarding school and offered some by a black guy *AHHHAHAHHH PEER-PRESSURE*. Sooooo glad i took my first puff, i can go weeks without the need to smoke, for me its one of life luxuries. Also like others say, if you smoke to much you dont get as high.....


Well-Known Member
Ive been smoking atleast 40 years off & on,ive quit several times with no problem,the longest run i had when i wasnt smoking was 12 years,the project i was working on demanded spot drug testing for all project members,i couldnt chance loosing my job over a jibber.


Active Member
I have been smoking for about 6 years. taking a break here and there for employment. I cant wait for the day we pee for enjoyment and not employment.


Active Member
Now i am 19 years old, and going on 6 years of smoking the cannabis, and sorry to say but i realy feel like quiting. maybe not for good but for a while maybe.. i feel its having a impact on my health.
yeah man im 18 now n ive only been smokin for about 4 years , it's hard too leave the lady has never did u wrong but i feel ya on the health thing, breathing is a bit of a issue now playing football etc. i was thinkin about takin a few month's off of tokin,

do this, take a hit and get a tissue or paper towel and put it to your mouth and blow, it kinda made me think when i seen what was on it, just think how many hit's youve taken, add it up :( the lung's are kinda hurtin :-|


Active Member
if your life aint unmanagable then theres no reason to stop other then to try and get that first high again. ya'll know what I 'm talkin about. lol