How long before i can plant outdoors?

Blazed and Confused

Active Member
Hey i got 4 clones about 3 weeks ago and they have been sitting in
my closet under a grow light for almost 24 hours a day, how long
until i can plant my babys outside without them dieing? i live in bay area.


Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
Do you have frosts there? What's the average date for the last frost? Call your local garden store and ask them when it's safe to put out your tomato plants.


Well-Known Member
You mean down in the San Fransisco Bay area right? im a ways further north but still in cali. were supposed to have rain next week so...

Blazed and Confused

Active Member
rain? damn well ill keep em indoors for a week or two longer then ill try and transplant em outside. is there a specific way i should transplant em? yea san francisco bay area

thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
just a rule of thumb ..

if it is time to plant your tomato's.then it is time for your girls to be outside..:hump: